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We were sitting in my car when I ran a hand down my face and groaned from deep in my chest. "Where I'm going." I asked the two boys.

Malaki sat in the back this time while Three sat in the front. From the middle, he leaned forward in his seat, his loud voice penetrating my ears as he asked his friend, "Yours first or get your sister?"

Three rubbed his knuckle across his bottom lip as he thought over his answer, lightly biting at the plumped red flesh there before slouching in his seat. For a moment it had been silent in the car, peaceful almost and it made me want to shut my eyes in bliss for a couple seconds and tilt my head back onto the headrest with a sigh. When my stomach rumbled, I couldn't help but groan again. I was hungry. My plan was for dinner to be at Ma's tonight but that shit clearly wasn't happening. Not with these two with me anyway.

"Give it here," Three spoke.

He held his hand out towards me and I frowned at the sound of his tone, confused, taking note in the way my eyes twitched and my fingers curled in on themselves as I watched him watch me.

With one hand on the gear, a stank look on my face, and the other gripping the steering wheel, I so badly wanted to snatch his jaw between my fingers and- fuck.

"Ya phone." He elaborated, "Can't go nowhere with no address, can you?"

A moment of brief staring and I couldn't help but flare my nostrils at the boy. I chucked my phone on top his lap where it clanked against his belt and almost rolled off his pants. The agitation I felt towards the two clearly hadn't simmered yet. Not with the way I felt that shit bubbling in my bones.

"So where we goin' first?" Malaki asked again.

He seemed to move even closer than he was before and it did nothing but furthermore agitate me. My face twitched up before I could stop it and I made sure the violent thoughts in my head were cleared before I opened my mouth. "Back up Mal," I told him, and like I offended him or something, Malaki slumped back in his seat with a frown.

His eyes were downcast. Mouth snapped shut as he gazed down at his twiddling fingers before staring at me through his lashes, "You still mad at me, Mo?" He asked, and I gave him that same look I always gave him, "No shit. I really don't wan' hear you right now either so please, keep ya mouth shut."

As soon as the GPS began instructing, I began driving. Twisting and turning my vehicle while an old song softly played through the radio.

I was upset with Mal. Of course I was. He stole my car and now I was housing two kids. How the fuck that happen?

I didn't want the boy to speak to me or even look at me. I didn't even want to be in his vicinity for the rest of the night but I already promised my help and I was trying to be considerate of Three's feelings. He probably wasn't even comfortable being alone in a car with me again. Now he was on his way over to snuggle underneath my spare sheets in my spare room, going in my kitchen to eat my food. Him and his sister.

I'll be damned.

Stopping at a red light, it was only then that I managed to tune back into what was going on around me.

Like big ass fucking kids, Malaki and Messsiah were fighting in my car.

That slight headache I felt earlier came back ten times harder, pounding away at my temples and aching away behind my eyes. Now I was getting pissed. Damn near tethering on the edge of my self-control when I noticed nobody was strapped underneath their seatbelt either. Only reason I was so adamant on them in the first place was because when I was younger I watched a friend die from not having his on.

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