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Moses (pt. 1)

Morning came quicker than I expected and somehow, we'd already been running late.

It was one thirty in the afternoon and we were still at the house.

Originally, I planned for us to get to Ma's earlier than everybody else because I wanted to help make sure shit was straight and introduce Pree before too many people got there, but that clearly wasn't happening because I woke up half an hour late. On top of that, I still had to pick Mal up and so far he'd already been working my nerves.

This was him ringing me now. Been doing it since before I even opened my eyes this morning and was leaving voice messages on my phone too.

"Quit playin' on my phone, Mal." I told the boy. My jaw tightened when he mocked me.

"QuIt PlAyiNg oN My pHoNe, mAl- Shut the hell up." He said, and I parted my mouth to speak just as he did the same, "And hurry up. You got me sittin' out here waiting on you like somebody's lame and- Jamar!" He smacked his lips, shuffling being heard through the phone, "Nigga move I'm- Mom! Tell Jamar to move I'm-" I heard him smack his lips once more before thuds and grunts were all that sounded.

I snorted, laughing because I just knew the two of them were fighting over there right now.

Jamar and Malaki were similar in a lot of ways. He'd only been three years younger than Mal but he was damn near an exact copy personality-wise. Always starting shit and running his mouth just because it knew how to run.

Drew, the second oldest after Mal, was nothing like them. If anything, he reminded me of myself. The me I am now rather than the me I was back then.

"I'm hanging up." I told my cousins and in the back, I could hear Jamar laughing and Auntie yelling at them both. I shook my head, slipping my phone back into my pocket and tapping my hand against the bottom railing of the staircase, not as irritated as I was before.

"Capria!" I then shouted, "You got your shoes on?"

Not waiting for her reply, I moved along.

This morning I had woken up to Capria standing over my bed with this big ass grin on her face.

She had already been dressed in the clothes she picked out the night before-- a yellow sleeveless romper that had brown buttons for decoration going down the front and her hair just as perfect as it was the last time I saw it. The only trouble I had while doing it last night was getting the beads in.

They were yellow, white, and clear and they gave me hell.

This morning, I had also woken up to the wall in the living room being scrubbed clean.

Before bed, I left the blood to sit. I knew it was a bad decision on my part but my nose was making my eyes hurt and I was dead tired by time I made it to my room so, I left it. I assumed Three cleaned it. Maybe his own way of apologizing for punching me in my shit and making an unnecessary bruise show up in its spot after.

Now I had a dark mark on the top of my nose between my eyes. Nothing too serious and it didn't hurt much unless I touched on it but it left a dramatic scar. I almost groaned to myself thinking about the way my family was about to react when they seen it. Shit wasn't ordinary for my face to be marked up.

Gathering everything I needed to bring out to the car, in my arms, I yelled up the steps once more and said, "Messsiah! You dressed?"

I hadn't seen the man as of yet but I knew he was somewhere in the house. Matter fact, this was him at the top of the steps now and I couldn't help but tense up by the couch from his presence alone.

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