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Moses (pt. 2)

With hella grocery bags stacked on my arms, I mugged everybody in my way as I pushed into Ma's house.

It was more packed than when I left it. Old people sitting on the couch talking. Couple people standing with others, and hella cars parked out front.

A waft of food hit my nose as soon as I walked in. I had smelled it while driving back down the block on my way here. It made my stomach rumble. My mouth salivating at the thought of Gramps Mac, Auntie's cake, Mama's everything, and Chris's Bbq. I didn't trust anybody else's food but I knew somebody here made some good ass meatballs that I always got a plate of before they were gone.

"Moses? Where the hell you been nigga? I called you." Izaak spoke.

I ignored him as I took the bags to the kitchen and dropped it on top the island.

Ma had a long ass list for no reason and Walmart was packed with no workers. I spent damn near an hour and a half waiting in line and this dumb nigga in the parking lot almost hit me while I was putting shit in the trunk. Pissed me off cause how he do that? Drive your piece of shit right and we won't have no problems.

Auntie ducked behind the island the minute I stepped through the door but upon noticing that it was me, she popped back up, eyeing the bags I carried just as Chris stepped in behind me, Izaak right beside.

He was flickering with a lighter, burning a blunt, probably knowing I needed that shit by the look on my face.

"Moses, what you go and get all this for?" Chris asked. "We got half this shit in the kitchen already."

I stared at him. Feeling my lip curl. "What you mean why I went to go get it? Ma sent me."

Rubbing his bald head, Chris let out a sigh and I breathed deeply through my nose, taking the blunt between Izaak's fingers and leaning my back against the countertop. "I got it. Don't worry bout it, Mo." Chris told, walking out before I could say anything.

I knew what it was the minute he sighed. Mama was getting mixed up again. Sometimes I couldn't understand how it happened and other times I knew she genuinely couldn't help it. She had a brain disorder. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. One that was associated with dementia and got worse faster than usual. I seen for myself how confused she could get and it made me wish she had Alzheimer's instead. At least then it would be gradual and I would have more time with her. Now she couldn't do half the shit she used to do and it was only going to get worse from here.

I had to watch my Mama die.

And it broke my fucking heart to know that there wasn't shit I could do about it.

I puffed the blunt, running a hand down my face.

"Gimme my shit back nigga. I was letting you hit it, not have it. Come out back when you done." Izaak snatched from me before squinting his eyes. "Where you get that bruise from? You got in some shit and ain't tell me?"

"Let me see," Auntie spoke. She put the bowl she was mixing on the counter in front of me before inspecting my face.

I dodged her, dipping my finger into the cake batter while Pria crossed my mind. She asked if there was gonna be cake and I didn't know whether this was a coincidence or completely her doing. She was sneaky sometimes. Real lowkey with it. And she knew Auntie made good ass cakes with how often she stayed over there.

Auntie smacked my hand and yanked me back over, and I mugged her as I fixed my shirt that she just stretched. "How you get that Neph?"

I ran another hand down my face, "Don't worry bout it. It's handled."

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