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I slammed my car door shut and rounded to the back, grabbing the groceries out the trunk while Three slammed his door and stormed up to the house. It was locked so he just stood there and I took my time gathering everything on both arms.

It was a lot more than I expected. I mean, I went from shopping for one to shopping for three so somewhere along the line, I should've known.

I used my elbow to shut the trunk, hitting the lock button on my remote, and dragged myself to the front door. With only a couple of fingers open, I struggled to hold my house keys while Messsiah silently stood there watching me, snatching them from my hold and unlocking the door for himself before darting up the steps and taking them two at a time.

I dropped the groceries onto the kitchen counter and sighed. Bracing my hands against the edge, and closing my eyes.

My head hurt.

He punched me in my temple. Of course that shit was going to hurt but I'm pissed I didn't see it coming. Pissed he swung in the first place. Accident of not.

When I heard Messsiah jog back down the steps and seen a bag slung across his chest, I parted my lips to say something but he'd already been gone. He left. Slamming the door behind him. And I didn't see him for the rest of that day or the day after either.

Capria came back the next morning and when she asked about where her brother had been, I didn't have an answer for her. I didn't have an answer about her parents either and it pissed me off.

The day after that I had only seen a glimpse of him. Watched him walk right out the front door from the top of the steps. He was dodging the hell out of me and he was doing a damn good job at it too, up until he wasn't. Now it's been a little over a week and so far Messsiah was missing meals, ditching his sister, coming in loud around four, five in the morning, and banging on shit. He was an adult, I understood that. He didn't have to run shit by me when he went out and stayed late, but the shit he was doing I wasn't about to put up with. This wasn't his house to be doing all that in anyways.

And no matter how many times I tried to focus on anything other than him, he was still stuck in the back of my fucking mind. Irking me. So I prioritized Capria because I knew she didn't understand why her brother wasn't around. And that pissed me off even more.

Mal had still been coming over every other day like he usually did.

It wasn't nothing new. The boy was always randomly popping up outside my door.

One time he even tried to make a copy of my key because apparently, 'I don't get to the door fast enough for him'. I ended up giving Messsiah a copy. I had given it to Capria to give to him since at first he was hellbent on seeing me and coming in and out.

At this point, the room they were supposed to be sharing was just Capria's because Three didn't sleep here at night. I didn't know where he laid his head but from the look of things, it ain't seem like his sister was going anywhere anytime soon. Him neither because Messsiah's shit was still in that room.

I huffed out a breath, faintly listening to Capria laugh in the other room.

The girl was growing more and more fond of me and me her every day, and I loved it. It felt good. Like an accomplishment I didn't know I felt the need to complete until it was already done. She was still shy at times but it wasn't anything I couldn't shake her out of. It never took long for kids to loosen up anyway.

Her small, heavy feet slapped against the stairs as she ran toward my room. I waved my hand around, trying to make it less cloudy.

The girl jumped on my bed and rolled around on my comforters and I laughed lightly at her energy, setting my phone off to the side where Izaak's face showed on the screen.

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