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happy mf new yeaaar!! 🎈

My brows twitched at the lack of weight I usually woke up to on my chest.

I could hear slight commotion going on downstairs; faint curses, loud thuds, and the occasional round of rap lyrics being sung as I blindly moved my hand around the bed, fingers touching cold, ruffled sheets instead of soft, warm skin as the other rubbed evidence of sleep from my eyes.

Pushing the sheets from my chest, the fragrance of food that hit my nose caused my face to scrunch further.

Messsiah's cooking? I thought to myself.

I sat for a little while longer as the thought finished processing.

Though this hadn't been his first time doing something like this, the action still felt like something foreign to me.

I could already see the pattern forming now; him pissing me off, me waking up to a clean house, various foods on the table, all chores done for the day. I mean, the man had even done the laundry. I could tell from the fresh fabric softener sitting atop the basket of clothes he left in front of the closet door.

Stretching, I stifled the yawn that tried to push past my throat as I flickered on the light in the bathroom.

My steps felt heavier this morning. My body fighting the need to catch up on missed sleep in the result of staying up for too long.

After dropping Mal home, I had sat in the garage for a while last night, just trying to process shit.

Messsiah had taken my reaction different than I expected.

The doe eyes. The soft tone. The hint of fear and something new on his face. The way he responded had my mind turning.

I was disappointed in him and he knew it.

And not because he left either, but because when he came back, whatever he had going on was brought back to my home and escalated into something I had no desire getting in the middle of.

Just based off the way he spoke to whoever kept blowing his phone, I already knew he wasn't gone be on nothing but bullshit. That's why I ain't want him to go in the first place. But he did. And I somewhat expected the chaos that would follow. I had been prepared to clean him up if I needed too. I even had Izaak on the phone to keep me company as I waited.

So when he came back, smelling like a bottle of Black Velvet, ready to fight..

I licked my lips, jaw tightening at the mere memory of it as I pushed my hands underneath the cold tap of water.

Sy did good minding his business these last couple days but I should've known shit wasn't gone last too long simply because of the type of person he is.

The man attract trouble everywhere he go.

Shit, most the time, he's the fucking perpetrator.

I knew that.

I mean how could I not? I witnessed it more times than one. I just never expected that same energy to be directed towards Mal. Least not to the extent of shit flying across my room.

As my gaze locked onto my reflection, I took note of how low and heavy my eyelids felt. They were just as heavy as my steps were.

Light bags had began to form underneath my eyes and my skin wasn't as flushed as it usually was on a nice summer morning. I splashed water onto my skin, shaping my beard so that the droplets didn't stick.

It was only when Sy swung on me did my skin start getting tight. When he and Mal start throwing shit around my room, spilling stuff on my carpet, and exchanging words about shit I didn't know shit about across the way.

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