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Moses (pt. 3)

One hour led to two and the next thing I knew it was dark outside and everybody was ready to go.

It'd been nearing one o'clock in the morning and I had already spoken to everybody in regard of a goodbye. Now I was walking up to Capria, a soft smile on my face as she stood outside beside Auntie, leaning on her hip. And after knowing that they were waiting on me, I picked up my pace.

"Gimme a hug, pretty girl." I spoke, lightly wrapping my arms around her small frame while she snuggled her face into my shirt, using the bottom of it to wipe the corner of her eyes. "You be good for ya Auntie, aight?"

Capria nodded.

Her voice sounded drowsy as she spoke, "You be good too, Moses. Don't let Siah get hurt again, kay?"

Staring at her, I nodded blindly, pressing a faint kiss to her forehead and smoothening back her hair. I didn't like the pressure I felt weighing on my chest at her words. How was I supposed to do that when he acted how he did? He was so fucking difficult and for what? I hummed to myself, rubbing my bottom lip while Capria yawned.

Her small hands rubbed at her sleepy eyes and I smiled fondly at the child as she shifted past me, waving at my car where Three had already been sitting.

A drowsy smile stretched across her face as she blew him a kiss. "Bye Siah! I love you!"

I turned just in time to see Messsiah blow a kiss back, a small giggle falling from the seams of Capria's lips.

It was cute. I couldn't help the small smile that adorned my own face at the sight of them before I lightly pushed her in the direction of Aunties car where Ry and everyone else had already been strapped in. It was cold and she didn't have a jacket on so I nudged her harder, wanting her to walk faster and watching until she was completely settled before looking away.

"Alright Nephew," Auntie spoke.

She was standing off to the side, watching our interaction with a look I couldn't help but blink twice at. "Let me know when you comin' by or when you want me to drop her off. I don't mind how long she stay but I need everybody gone by Wednesday."

"Why? What's going on Wednesday?"

"Mind the business that pays you."

I raised my hands, chuckling, and when I looked past the woman and seen Ryliyah sticking half her body out the window, I couldn't help but snicker lightly to myself, waving at the child with a soft smile on my face. Aunty though, she looked back with a frown before she cocked her hip.

"Get yo ass.." She trailed through clenched teeth, not needing to finish her sentence when Ryliyah ducked back into the car and threw herself back into her seat.

"Bad ass kid," the woman mumbled.

As she yawned, she brought a hand up to cover her mouth. "I wanted to talk to you about something but it's late so I'll call you tomorrow. You better answer the damn phone, Moses. Don't make me drive to ya place just to have a conversation."

My brows twitched into a frown but the remnants of the smile I had on my face stayed. "Why y'all think I don't answer the phone?"

Auntie cocked her hip out again, folding her arms. "Cause you don't, you only answer Mal's calls."

I snorted. "He won't leave me alone if I don't."

She only shook her head, covering her mouth again when another yawn began to push through. I knew she still had to get home so I pulled the woman into a side hug and placed my lips atop her head like I did Capria's, saying, "Get some sleep, aight? You good to drive? I can take y'all home-"

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