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I inhaled another puff as I shuffled a deck of cards, letting the smoke drift from my lips while Siah sucked the juice from a CapriSun he'd grabbed from the fridge.

"Yo! You fuckin' cheated!" Booda yelled.

He and Izaak were playing some game on the living room console. I hadn't paid much attention to the specifics of it. Least not until it start getting loud and rowdy in here.

"You fuckin' cheated!" Booda yelled again.

As fast as he got up from his seat, the chair he'd earlier pulled to the TV had fallen to the floor in a soft thud, his jaw tight and fist clenched as he pointed an accusing finger. "You used that same wack ass move the whole fuckin' fight! Fight me foreal, nigga! Come outside!" 

I would think he was exaggerating if I hadn't noticed the loose bills that'd accumulated on the table double in size.

A short laugh of my own fell from my lips, the cloud of smoke thick that followed after. 

Izaak laughed as he leant forward from his seat on the couch. "Here cry baby ass," he sifted through the money, elbows on his knees as he collected his earnings just before pulling out a five dollar bill. "For you." He said, lips quirking at the sides. And though Booda sucked his teeth, the mug on his face bitter, he still snatched it from Izaak's hold and returned it to his empty wallet.

I chuckled again at the flush in his cheeks.

"Fuck you! I hope you swallow a cicada!"

At that, a fiercer laugh bubbled up my throat same time I inhaled another lungful of green.

I put fist to my chest, swallowing fast when I choked and couched.

Siah had just pushed his straw into another juice pouch so I grabbed his wrist and guided his hand to my lips, taking large gulps through the thin straw until the burn in my throat was gone and the foil was crushed in his hand.

I grinned at look he gave me, grabbing the leg of his chair to pull him closer.

"Aight now," Izaak grinned, "Twenty on the table right now if I whoop yo ass again. And switch joysticks with me; I ain't never played with him since you think I'm cheatin'."

"My nigga, you used the same kick move three rounds straight! That's cheating! Fuck is you talkin' bout!"

I didn't know Booda to get so angry so easily over a fighting game so I could only laugh and watch as amusement overtook me.

His skin would take on a slight hue of pink every time he had to reach for his wallet. It was subtle in the way it ghosted his cheeks; the vein in his neck straining as his anger became more prominent the more he had to pick money from his wallet and drop it onto the table.

Ant didn't seem all that surprised. If anything, like Izaak, he egged him on too.

"Loser!" The man dragged. He lifted an 'L' shaped finger up to his forehead and I couldn't help my slight chuckle as his familiar laugh of mischief crossed my way.

"Nah cause who he callin' a loser?" Booda smacked his lips, dragging, "Man; run that back! He cheat-"

"Loser! Loser!" Ant cut him off as he crackled. 

I inhaled another puff before resting a hand on Sy's knee. He jerked at the surprise of my touch before relaxing, chewing on his straw as he messed with something on his phone.

We were sitting at a foldable table I pulled out once the three got here. I sat a little distance away from the TV, just off to the right of the couch while Sy sat in front of me; or more so toward the left of me since I dragged his chair over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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