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Drying my hands onto the kitchen towel I had hanging over my shoulder, I jogged toward the front door, hearing another round of knocks bang against it.

"I'm coming!" I yelled before smiling at Pree when she'd almost bumped into me.

She giggled as she took the steps two at a time, half her hair out and poofed up while she ran around the house playing with Ry.

When another round of knocks banged against the door, I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth and swung it open, my eyes finding Blessing's before they trailed his person.

I smiled.

"I said I was coming," I told him.

Blessing had this goofy ass grin on his face before he jumped in my arms. His legs circled around my hips and his arms wrapped around my neck, the small white shoulder bag he held in his hand lightly hitting my upper back as I stumbled in surprise.

With one arm holding him up, the other locked the door behind him.

"Moses!" He dragged all excited, and I couldn't help the chuckle I let out.

"Damn Bless, you missed a nigga or sum'n? What you so happy for?" I asked.

Blessing rolled his eyes before he kissed my cheek and slid to his feet, tossing his purse onto my couch near by. "Duh, I missed you. I wouldn'tve called if I didn't and I text you I was here two minutes before I was outside and you still had me waitin' at the door." His head tilted, eyes narrowing. "What's that about?"

Tugging at the waistband of his skirt, I hummed to myself as I eyed the red lace panties he wore underneath, snickering softly when he snatched my hand away and gave me one of them looks he always gave.

"I'm in here cooking, I told ya bossy ass that but you don't listen." I spoke, looking him over once more. "You look good. You got all dressed up for me, Bless?"

Blessing always dressed up. I'm talking skirts, heels, dresses, all that, and he always made the shit work too.

Right now he was wearing a jean mini skirt. It hung low on his hips and sat high on his thighs, a white thick strapped tank top shirt that stopped a little under his chest paired with it, and waist beads sparkling against his warm brown skin.

Blessing had shoulder-length, honey-colored dreads that he pulled into a high bun. Stray locs framed his face while his big glossed lips stretched into a grin.

I was only messing with the man but the way he flushed put a slight smile on my face.

I poked my tongue against the inside of my cheek, dimples showing and all as I watched him kick his heels off and his height drop dramatically before he did a small spin.

"I do look good, don't I?" He asked, swirling a dread around his finger. "But I got somewhere to be later. Me, Shaniyah, and Ray goin' out tonight, and since you cookin', I'ma just eat here fore I go."

Walking back into the kitchen, I raised my brows at him, knowing he was following behind when his ankle bracelets jangled with his steps.

I tossed the hand towel back onto the island and finished cutting the tomatoes like I was before he got here. "So you blew my phone up just to eat and dip?"

Blessing grabbed a water bottle out the fridge and hopped to sit on the island behind me.

"No," he dragged, fixing his skirt and the straps of his top. "I wanted to see you. I'm not free again these next couple weeks and you're always busy." He pouted. "We never see each other no more, Mo. I had to squeeze myself in your schedule."

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