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Sighing to myself, I twisted the key out the ignition and laid my head into the palms of my hands.

There'd been a slight change of plans this morning.

Truth be told I was shook to my core. Mind reeling on what the fuck I seen and trying to banish the mental image that followed after when I thought back on how she'd gotten the scars. I was disgusted with them. Disgusted in the way some of the marks on her body were healed over while others were still fresh.

I didn't know what to do with this. I didn't know who to go to so I dropped the three of them off at Mal's, not able to trust her being in anyone else's care now that she'd been in mine.

For the second time this week, I found myself parked outside Izaak's.

It was the earliest I've ever come in the span of a week. This was an emergency situation though so I stepped out my car, sighed, and locked my doors, walking up the short stack of steps and pushing the front door open while rubbing at my chin.

When I walked in, Amanda was already sitting on the couch. She smiled that flirtatious smile she always smiled at me before speaking, "Hey Moses," She said. Her smooth long legs were crossed underneath her as she brought her focus back onto her computer. And against the quiet space of the living room, all you heard was the sound of her nails firmly pressing against the keys and me shutting the door behind me.

This was Amanda's house more than it was Izaak's.

Izaak rarely spent his time here. Instead, he kicked it over at Drea's, his girlfriend who happened to be sitting on the sofa not far away. She was scrolling through her phone before I walked in, a soft smile now spreading across her face at the sight of me.

"Hey, Mo," The darker-skinned female greeted, and faintly, I smiled back, shifting my eyes between the two women with a tilt to my lips and a nod of my head.

Drea slapped her hand against the seat next to her and as I moved to take it, Izaak peaked his head around the corner, "Mo! That's you?" He asked. "You back already? Shit must've been good huh? Wassup with you?"

I could only bring myself to shrug, "Not shit," And when he brought his arm around my shoulders, I returned the favor and said, "Out and about. Same thing I been doing."

I knew I was speaking slow when he swung his head back and stared at me. He squinted his eyes and I watched as they roamed all over my face, taking me in, analyzing. I couldn't help but grin at my friend. I had already smoked on my way here and now I was a lot calmer because of it. I needed that shit. I know I did.

"High ass," Izaak crackled. "Lemme get my shit righ' quick and we'll blow this bitch out."

Plopping down against the couch cushion when he walked away, I groaned, rubbing a hand down my face. Izaak had been my supplier since way back when. Shit, I helped fund his business back in high school and been buying from him ever since. We met back then around that time, having been the same age, in the same grade, and hanging around the same crowd of people. He was just getting into the business side of it all and I was just getting into smoking. We been chilling since.

My eyes shifted toward Amanda, "Manda-Panda," I chuckled, dragging her childhood nickname out. "We don't speak now or sum'n? You mad at me?"

When she scrunched her face, I felt my eyes squinting up.

"Ew, don't call me that, and I'm tryna do this work." Then she scoffed and said, "And I was the first one to speak to you when you walked in but you ignored me, so." She rolled her eyes.

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