Chapter 1

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Third Person P.O.V

The orphanage was filled with many kids, 38 to be exact, each special in their own ways. Sitting next to the big (oak?) tree was a raven-haired boy. The young boy was reading quietly before his friend broke the silence. "Ray! Can you time our round of tag?" asked the snowy-haired boy looking into his friend's dark green eyes. "Sure." Ray muttered. An orange-haired girl walked up from behind the 2 boys and yelled, "Norman! Ray! Are we going to play tag?" Ray sighed and said in an irritated voice, "Emma when you're standing right next to someone you don't need to shout." A group of kids ran into the forest as it was Norman's turn to tag everyone. He was about to go get them, but Ray smirked and said, "Give them a few more minutes, they'll need it." Norman chuckled and sat next to Ray, he then asked, " What's the book about?" Ray replied, "Fantasy." He showed the page to Norman and they started reading together. Their mother went to check on the sleeping babies. After a while of reading Norman noticed Ray yawning and trying to keep his eyes open to finish the last chapter. Norman grabbed the book and put it aside. Immediately startling Ray as he tried to reach for the book. However, Norman ignored him and pulled the raven-haired boy onto his lap. Ray looking embarrassed yelled, "Norman what are you doing?" All Norman said was, "Shut up and sleep Emo." After a while of fighting Ray stopped. Norman looked up to see him asleep. He had no idea what happened after, because before he knew it Emma and the rest of the kids who played tag were standing in front of him and Ray. Of course Ray was still asleep, thankfully but Emma excited as always screamed, "That's so cute!" Don, a brown-haired boy (I think he's 10) said, "We waited for an hour for you to get us, idiot!" Some of the younger kids asked, "Does that mean we won?" Norman nodded and said, "Sure, why not?" Conny, a blonde-haired (age 6) girl came running out of the orphanage with a little toy bunny, towards the group of kids and said, "Mom says to come inside since it's going to get cold soon." All the kids rushed inside as Norman held Ray in his arms. He slowly got up and walked towards the doors. Their mother saw them come in and said, "Norman if he doesn't wake up by dinner, could you wake him?" Norman nodded and took Ray to the room they shared with many kids. He set him on his bed and left to see the rest of the kids.

The kids heard the bell that told them it was dinnertime. Norman and Emma sat at the table with Don and Gilda (a green-haired girl with adorable glasses). Norman was waiting for Ray. He watched as the kids came in and finally saw Ray. He still looked tired, but he walked in quickly. He walked towards the table his friends were sitting at. Everyone said hi and Emma still her cheery self jumped on Ray and gave him a hug. "Emma!" he screeched. Everyone laughed including Emma herself. They ate their food while talking about normal kid things until Emma said, "Hey Ray how come you fell asleep on Norman?" Norman looked embarrassed and Ray was blushing. A few seconds later, Ray said, "I was tired and I must've fallen asleep on him." Don muttered, "Uh huh." Before they knew it dinner was over and all the kids were about to walk to their rooms when their mother stopped them and said in a cheery, but sad (ish) tone, "Tomorrow night Conny will be leaving us. She's going to be adopted." Everyone was sad, but ecstatic for her. They were wishing her congratulations and good luck, everyone but Ray. Emma and Norman turned to look at Ray who looked scared. He looked like he had seen a ghost. His skin was whiter than usual. He even had sweat creeping on his face. He was first to leave the room and he was in a rush.

When everyone else was going to their rooms, Emma and Norman went to check on Ray. Ray was of course reading again. When they walked in and stood in front of Ray's bed, he looked up from the book and asked, 'Do you need something?" Emma said, "We wanted to check on you since you looked a little worried when Mom said Conny got adopted. Ray replied, "I was just sad she was leaving. I'm gonna miss her ya know?" Emma said, "Oh I was too, but I can hide it better than you can!" Ray chuckled and said, "Only idiots can still smile after that happens." Emma replied, "Than- Hey! That's mean!" The three of them started laughing until the rest of the kids who slept in the room came in. Emma said good night and left to her room, while Norman went to his bed, right next to Ray's. Norman wasn't completely sold on what Ray said, since he knew Ray doesn't exactly express those emotions, when he has feelings like that he keeps them to himself. Something scared Ray when Ma told everyone about Conny, he thought. He just wanted to know what.

Emma ran into the kitchen quickly saying hi to her mother and then going to her friends. She saw Don playing with Conny and ran to them. Norman noticed that Ray looked like his normal self again. Very sleep deprived. After breakfast, the kids wanted to spend one last day with Conny. Although, as usual Ray took a book and sat next to the tree. He timed the game of tag, Norman was it and he had 15 minutes to get everyone, since he forgot yesterday. One by one Norman found everyone, but Conny. Seeing as this was her last time playing with them, he let her win. As Conny and Norman walked back, the younger kids were surprised Conny had won, but the older kids knew what Norman did, but they congratulated her since no one ever won against Norman. It was getting close to nightfall. Their mother was helping Conny get ready. An hour later, when they were ready to go everyone was sad, but happy for her. Don was crying and everyone was saying their goodbyes. Conny was feeling sad, happy to go to a new home. They watched Conny leave with a smile on her face. Little did they know that was the last time Conny would ever smile like that. If only they knew what was being planned.

Hi everyone! Feel free to give me tips, but please no hate. If you made it to here then I just want to say thank you for reading this and have a good day or night! Remember you're perfect!

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