Chapter 12

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Norman P.O.V

"This is going to be a long night," I said to Ky as we both watched Emma and miles trying to make a boat out of vines. Ky didn't seem to be paying attention, instead, he sighed, "Oi Miles! God gave you a brain for a reason, use it! There are two damn boats right in front of you! " I followed his gaze, and sure enough, there were two small boats right in front of him, a few meters away. Miles scowled at his friend, "Well, if you're so smart, how are you going to get them? The water is moving too fast to swim, and you can't just magically teleport there!" Ky sighed, "We only need one," He then proceeded to grab one of the hanging vines and swing to a small rock in the middle of the river. Miles's mouth was hanging open as he watched his friend take a big leap, landing in the boat. "Oww!" Ky shouted, suggesting he probably landed wrong. He got up and used the paddles to bring the boat back. "How many paddles are there?" Emma asked. "Five," Ky responded.

"Ok, Emma, Miles, Ky, and I will paddle. We need one more person, though." I said. Tristan and Kristen immediately started fighting about who gets to paddle. Lizzie tried breaking them up, "Guys! How about you take turns!" They thought about it for a moment. "Fine, but ladies first!" Kristan screamed, grabbing the paddle. Tristan rolled his eyes, "Really? I thought you had to be a lady to do that," Kristen glared at her brother before we finally were able to leave. Since the boat was small were only able to take 15 other kids, not including the ones paddling. We would have to take at least 3 trips.

Saying the river was moving fast was an understatement. It was moving rapidly. We had to paddle extremely fast and we still weren't able to keep up. Within minutes we were tired, my arms felt like falling off. Fortunately, we were able to make it to the other side unharmed. Unfortunately, we all collapsed on the other side. "We still need to make 2 more trips!" Emma shrieked.

*After getting everyone to the other side*

The little kids seemed to gain their strength back because they were starting to run with us again. After a few hours, Ky announced "I'm tired! Miles carry me!" He jumping on Miles's back. Miles glared at him but didn't make an effort to drop him. Those two seemed close. "Let's take a break," Emma suggested glancing at the kids who were already sitting.  

Ray P.O.V

Everything was going according to plan. Damn, I sound like an evil scientist. My hands were tied behind the chair I was sitting on and an old lady was staring at me. After a few minutes of her trying to get information out of me and me ignoring her, she finally left. I slowly shifted my hands to the right to take a small blade out of my pocket. If you're going to keep someone hostage, always remember to check their pockets. I started cutting the rope that was binding my wrists together. After a few minutes I was able to cut the rope and let my hands fall to my sides. If I remember correctly, the map showed a door on the wall that was right of me. Before the plan had started, Mile and I were studying the map for some easier routes after we had gotten to Gilda and Don. After looking it over a few times, a small picture of a door caught my eye on the map. The map revealed that the door led to an underground tunnel. The tunnel was connected to the cave we had been trapped in not too long ago.

The problem was finding a way to open it. I already knew that one of the books opened it, I mean, how unoriginal could these demons be! There are so many mystery books that have a book as the lever to open a secret chamber. Finding which book was the hard part. I sighed, but slowly started pulling random books. I had finished pulling half of the books when a certain book's placement caught by eye. The book was pushed in a little more than the rest. I carefully pulled the book forward and the secret door opened. I pushed the book next to it to hide the evidence. I grabbed the lamp that was hanging above the doorway and pulled a small lever which I assume closed the door.

For a little while, there were endless stairs. When the stairs stopped, I believed that I had reached the bottom. I stood silent for a moment before I heard the door open again, followed by vicious whispering. I panicked and ran down the path, bot stopping to take a break. Since the chamber was hollow, I could hear the people running down the stairs. I was far from the stairs so I started to slow down. 

About 10 minutes later, I could no longer hear their footsteps. I had reached dirt which probably meant I was at the one of the cave's many entrances. If I memorized the map correctly, I would have to take 4 right turns, 7 left turns, pass 2 left turns and 3 right turns, and make 1 right turn. That would take me to my destination.  

Gilda P.O.V

"Should we go see if Avery and Liam are near the orphanage?" I asked Don. He nodded and we started making our way out. The orphanage wasn't far, in fact, it was closer than the other side. It was dark out so we didn't need to worry about getting caught. After about 30 minutes of sitting and waiting, we caught a glimpse of light. I think they were lanterns. Don and I ran closer to the light, seeing a group of kids running towards us. "Hey!" Avery screamed smiling. A hand which belonged to Liam collided with her head. "Shut up! What part of secret escape do you not get?" Liam hissed.

"Hey guys," Don greeted. Liam nodded his head in acknowledgement, but didn't say much. Honestly, he seemed tired while Avery was very excited. "We weren't able to bring all the kids, some of them refused to believe us and we had to leave to make it on time." Emma wasn't going to like that...

"Where are the others?" Avery asked looking around. "They went to the last orphanage. They'll probably be coming later." I answered. "In the meantime, you guys should rest, most of you seem tired." They agreed and followed us to the cave. 

After a few hours, there was still no sign of the others. I looked at Don, who was trying not to show his worry. "What is they got caught?" I quietly asked. Don's eyes widened, "Don't say that! Emma, Norman, and Ray are smart! They wouldn't let themselves get caught after everything they've accomplished." He was right, but at this point I was still praying for them.

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