Chapter 4

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Emma P.O.V

Gilda and Don met outside of our room. "I guess the 3 of us woke up early. The others are still asleep." The two of them agreed, but then I said, "Check that room." pointing at the room that was close to the living room area. They nodded, but we're confused. Gilda opened the door and gasped. Don peeked and saw Norman and Ray sleeping together, but not normally like friends. Ray was on top of Norman and Norman had his arms around Ray. Basically cuddling each other. We quickly shut the door and Gilda squealed like a fangirl with me. It was cute and I always knew they liked each other!  We just waited for everyone else to come to the room. I heard someone getting up in Norman and Ray's room. Then 15 minutes later someone else got up from the room. Something like 10 minutes went by and Norman said, "Ray get up! You got ready and went back to bed." We all heard heard Ray groan and everyone in the kitchen laughed. Norman came out of the room holding Ray who was still probably asleep. He cheerfully said, "Hi guys!" We said hi and watched as he threw Ray on the couch pretty hard. "Owww!" is all we heard from him because Norman threw a bunch of pillows on him. That's when he got up. Everyone else came in, so we started making breakfast.

We decided on having a little fun today. We played on the water slides and swam in pools. It was kind of hard since we didn't know how to swim., but it was still fun. We also explored some more. The place was overall nice. They could've changed a few things. For fun we all played tag. Ray played too. Norman was it, he tagged everyone. Ray was the last to get tagged by him. We all just sat in the shade for a while until Gilda suggested we go check out the town since it's safe. Norman and Ray decided to stay in the resort so we all left. 

Third Person P.O.V

Ray and Norman lay on the grass under the tree they were reading. Everything was quiet, a little too quiet. Ray broke the calm silence, "Did you mean it when you said I was cute?" A broken look on his face when the snowy-haired boy shook his head no. Norman smiled and said, "I meant to say beautiful." Ray hit him on the head with the book feeling embarrassed. The two boys sat together quietly as the sun slowly started going down. The others still weren't back so the boys went back to their room. It wasn't too late yet so they weren't worried about the others being out still. They wanted to try to find some ways to help the others escape. It wasn't going to be as easy as last time. Now that they know that kids can escape, their was going to be a lot of supervision. "How are we going to get back in this time?" asked Norman. "The same way I guess." Ray answered. "Wait. We'll just be captured!" Norman argued. "Well, that's the only way we can get in. We just have to find a different way to cross it since there are no trees that we can reach on that side. We would have to hide in the forest. Mom can't track us and I doubt they would keep cameras in there. We can't stay for too long, just long enough to get the kids from there." Ray explained. "What about the kids from the other plantantations?" Norman asked. "We don't know where the other ones are. If we could somehow get a hold of a map of the whole area, then we could find it. For now we should focus on our orphanage and then try to work our way to the others." Norman nodded in agreement.

A few minutes later the others walked in looking excited. Emma was the first to speak, "Guys! We met a guy the same age as us who also escaped his orphanage!" "Wait, you guys told someone we escaped?" Ray snapped. Emma not yet noticing the anger in his voice said, "Yea! It was an accident but now we know someone who can help us." Ray quickly calmed down not wanting to yell at the clueless girl. Norman asked, "What's his name?" "Aito, though I'm not sure he's trustworthy." answered Don. Emma just rolled her eyes, "He's nice guys. He said he would help us save the other kids. Also what is that paper." Norman and Ray didn't notice that they had started writing down their plan while they were talking. Norman responded, "Ray came up with a small plan, but he said..."Norman went on with explaining the plan Ray had come up with. "That's a pretty good and easy to follow plan." Emma said. The others agreed, but Don asked, "How would we cross?" "That's the problem, we don't know." Ray explained. Gilda quietly spoke up, "We could use a dead tree, I saw a few of them when we came here." "That could work, we just need a way to push it." Ray said. Don suggested, "I saw a bunch of horses when we were exploring. Maybe we could use those." "Yea, we could ask to borrow them and then return them." Emma said. Everyone, but Ray agreed to that. "We can't do that. We're kids, they won't let us take their horses. Even if they do, they'll want to come with us. We would have to steal them and then return them once we get the rest of the kids." he said, still trying to stay calm. He was still mad about the others telling a random person their business. The little kids were already falling asleep so Emma led them to their rooms. After a few hours Don and Gilda left. Soon after Emma went to sleep. Norman had already fallen asleep. Ray was the only one who was still going over the plan. He had to admit it was stupid, but the only good plan they could come up with. The problem was that they couldn't risk bringing everyone back to the orphanage. If many of them went then they would have a higher chance of being caught. The resort was the safest place for now. The bad thing was that they would have to leave the kids alone. Leaving Don or Gilda wasn't an option. He didn't know how many kids were brought to the orphanage after they had left. Ray checked the time. It was already 2 a.m. He got up and went to get some water before sitting back down. Staying awake only lasted for about half an hour before he fell asleep.   

Ray P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night, or morning since it was 5. I'm surprised I even got a couple hours of sleep. I sat down and read the other books Norman had brought for me. We still had the money left from the first day, we could use that to buy supplies for our plan. Although, there isn't a whole lot and we have to leave some for the kids who can't go with us. Plus, if we do manage to bring all the kids back with us, there would be no way we would have enough money to take care of all of them. Why do plans have so many problems?! Before I knew it, Emma had woken up, "Ray, maybe you would like Aito after you meet him!" she said smiling. How can someone always be this happy. "I don't know." I said. I did know, I just didn't want to go. "Please, please, please!" she exclaimed, jumping up and down. "Jeez, alright fine. I'll go!" I said standing up. She ran up to hug me, but I quickly moved aside. That just ended up in a game of get back here and hug me before I hurt you. Thankfully the others woke up in time to help me. We all sat down and ate in silence until Emma spoke up, "Yesterday before we left I gave Aito our room number. He told me he was staying in the same resort as us and wanted to meet!" I could see that not everyone agreed to that. "Emma, first you told a random kid our business, and now you told him where we're staying!" I snapped. "It-" she began, but I yelled again, "Let me guess, it was an accident! Emma you have to be more careful, we're trying to not get caught!" I looked towards Emma, regretting shouting at her, but she was still normal. I guess everyone has gotten used to me snapping. "I'm sorry Ray, next time I'll ask the rest of you guys before doing that again." I wasn't the only one who appreciated her saying that. We had all decided that Norman, Emma, Gilda, Don, and I would go since we were the oldest. That would mean Nat and Anna were in charge since they were the oldest out of the rest of the kids. We planned to leave Friday night, it was Tuesday today. That would give us 3 days to get everything we needed. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone knock on the door. Don got up to open it, "Oh, hey Aito." "Hi." we heard someone reply.  

Norman P.O.V

"Norman, Ray, I want you two to meet Aito!" Emma said. She then went to Aito and introduced us. I couldn't help but notice that he was staring at Ray. He wasn't doing anything, but it made me feel weird. Anyway, Emma invited him in and he sat down at the table. Emma was about to say what we were doing, but Ray interrupted her saying that they were going to stock up on supplies. "How old are you?" I asked. "13, what about you guys?" We tried not to tell him too much. It still bothered me that he was looking right at Ray and I could tell that Ray looked uncomfortable. I grabbed his hand from under the table, he quickly turned to look at me, but calmed down. He seemed pretty normal until he said, "So I heard you guys are planning to go back to your orphanage on Friday." Ray got up, "How do you know that?" he asked, trying to stay calm. "Well, I was planning to knock on the door, but then I heard you guys talking and I started listening." he said, shrugging. Ray almost punched the guy, but I held him back. "Jeez sorry for eavesdropping." we heard him say. He said bye to us and then left. I finally let go of Ray who was still mad. "Well we know he's an eavesdropper." I muttered. "Well yea, but maybe he could be helpful since he escaped too." argued Emma. "He didn't escape." said Ray, shocking everyone. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well if you guys paid attention, you would notice that he didn't have a tattoo on his neck like we do. The tattoo is permanent, it won't go away." he explained.                                                                   

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