Chapter 3

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Ray P.O.V

Norman said he loved me! Wait, not the time to think about this! I didn't know they had this all planned out. They aren't completely stupid! I ziplined with Jemima because she was scared. I looked back at the place that was once my home and prayed we would survive in the outside world. I reached the other side, then Lannion and Thoma. After them Norman came. Emma was last, unfortunately mom came. She stopped right in front of Emma. Emma looked at the orphanage that was now in flames one last time. I heard mom say, "Please don't leave." Then Emma came to the other side. We all ran into the forest. Norman told me that Phil was the only one who knew the secret. He knew we were going to try to find a way to save them as well. Right now we just needed to make sure we would survive. We ran for who knows how long. We watched the sun go up like 9 hours ago probably, so it should be about 5. The little kids were already tired and half asleep.

I hate to admit it, but this side of the forest did look a little scary. It gave me a weird feeling. After setting everything up, we ate some food we took from the dining hall and went to bed. You know that feeling when you're with tons of people and you still don't feel any safer than you were when you were alone? Yea, that's the same feeling I'm having right now. I think I fell asleep for 2 hours because I woke up when Norman shoved me whisper yelling, "Ray we're under attack! It's demons!" I was tired until I heard that. The little kids were still waking up, we had no time to run if they were still tired, so I did the next best thing. I got the demons' attention and ran in the opposite direction. For demons they're pretty stupid. They should've left at least 1 demon. All 3 followed me. I was praying my legs wouldn't give out on me. I didn't know where I was running, but all I knew is that I lost the demons when I jumped across the cliff. They jumped, but missed and fell. I jumped back to the other side, only to realize everything looked the same! I yelled, "Damn it!" Exactly 20 minutes later I heard someone scream my name. It was Emma! I could see her in the distance. Never in my life have I been this excited to see her. In my case that's saying a lot. Anyway she came running to me. Ok, so I ran pretty far to get away from the demons and I'm still near the cliff I jumped back from. Emma came running which means she probably ran that whole way and then jumped on me. How can someone still have all that energy! I guess that's what makes her unique.

Emma P.O.V

It didn't take long to find Ray, but I wish he didn't have to run off in an area we know nothing about. Although it was helpful. I won't tell Ray what happened when he got lost, but Norman was so worried. It was so adorable! He'll be so relieved. Anyway, we all knew there would be demons, but we didn't think they'd be so close to the forest. The kids who were able to wake up never saw the demons, so when they saw them attacking they freaked out...a lot. I think we need to find a place to stay that isn't out in the open. The biggest problem right now is money. We need to find money and we need to find a city or something. Some new clothes would be great too! Ok, I think I'm going a little far. Ray was being awfully quiet, I was getting kind of worried so I asked, "Ray, did you lose the demons?" He must've been deep in thought, because a whole minute later he said, "Huh?" I repeated the question and he said, "Oh yea, they fell down the cliff." We just walked in silence until we reached the others.

Norman was the first to come to us. He hugged Ray, who looked pretty shy. That means that Ray...Wait! Nevermind. The rest of the kids were a little scared still. Once everyone was a little calmer we started planning what we should do next. I said, "We could try to find a way into a city or town. We can find jobs for money. I'm pretty sure people would hire us and if we can't find a place to stay we can set camp somewhere hidden." We agreed on that plan, but we might have to replace some parts along the way. Norman told us, "We don't know how far away a city (town) is. It could be miles away or 5 minutes away. We don't know which way to go so I say we just keep heading straight until we have some understanding of the place we're in." This was correct, but how would we make sure we wouldn't get even more out in the open. However, Norman was right. It's better to be on the move than to stay in one place.

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