Chapter 13

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Norman P.O.V

We were getting close to our destination, but my mind kept wandering back to Ray. Was he ok? Did he get caught? Did he find my note? Suddenly, Emma smacked me on the head.

"I know what you're thinking about!" she glared accusingly. "How do you even do that?" I questioned. "That's a secret! But seriously, Ray will be fine!" she answered. I smiled at her, but that didn't shake the lingering feeling of anxiety.

"Norman, how much longer do we have to run?" Miles asked, panting. I looked down at the map in my hands, "I'd say about 15 more minutes if we keep up at this pace." Surprisingly, we were all moving fast. I didn't expect this much progress seeing as we had almost double the number of kids since our first escape.

Finally, we had gotten to where we needed to be. I caught sight of Gilda who immediately smiled. I could see Avery and Liam talking with Don in the back. Gilda's smile faltered when she realized Ray was missing. "Where's Ray?" she asked, worried. "He was distracting the adults in the last orphanage. I'm sure he'll be here soon." Emma responded.

After small introductions, everyone seemed to be ok with what was happening. My mind still wandered off to the raven-haired boy.


Did Ray even escape?

No. I couldn't think like that. Ray must've escaped. He wouldn't leave us.

He wouldn't leave me...

Ray P.O.V

It was starting to get dark. I still remembered which ways to go, but it seemed as though each turn was longer than the other. My energy disappeared hours ago, but I couldn't stop now. 99.99999% of me wanted to sleep, but I couldn't risk getting caught.

I sat down for a moment. My eyes were slowly closing, but I jolted awake at the sound of voices. I hid behind a huge rock and listened. The voices were muffled, but the owners to them were close. How could I have let them catch up to me? 


This just made my day. 

Trailing behind the creatures was a woman. Probably one of the orphanage caretakers. 

"Almost all the children are missing! There's only 7 in mine!" I didn't recognize the woman, and she wasn't the mama from the orphanage I had just escaped from. She must be the mama from Liam and Avery's orphanage. That means they escaped. If Norman and the others already made it, then they're waiting on me. That also means that we're most likely being hunted.

As soon as the demons and woman disappeared out of my sight, I took a quick right turn. An hour at most is what I could spare.


Finally, I could see the light from the moon. I ran out of the cave, which had started to creep me out, to see a ginormous group of kids. Norman caught sight of me and swiftly ran towards me. 

"Ray!" Norman smiled, tackling me with a hug. "Jeez, when did you turn into Emma?" I laughed. He shrugged and turned towards Emma, who playfully tackled me, "I heard that!" I smirked, "Good," I look towards Don and Gilda, who were busy with the younger kids. I waved, and they smiled, acknowledging my existence. 

"What's our plan now?" Emma questioned. At this point, a few older kids had started making their way towards us. "The cave is still our safest option. With the number of kids we have now, we'll easily be caught if we travel above ground." Norman said. "Yea, but we have to be careful in the cave. I wasn't able to hear people coming towards me until I heard one of them talk. Thankfully, they didn't see me." I assured, hiding the part about the demons. "What would we do if we get caught," Liam asked, walking towards us. "We wouldn't be caught, at the same time at least. However, if that does happen, then we have to split up. It will be harder to be caught if we're in smaller groups." I explained. 

Gilda and a few other kids started drawing copies of the map. I looked forward, and for a second, I believed I saw something look back at me. I shook it off, but that eerie feeling was back. 

Norman gently nudged me, "Are you ok?" I gulped and nodded. "Are you sure? You look tired, Ray." he argued. "Yea, I am tired." I bit my lip. "Then it's settled! You're going to sleep." Norman said, dragging me away.

"But-" I struggled in his grip. "No buts, you're going to sleep and that's final." Norman said, cutting me off. "You're not my mom!" I hissed. Norman shrugged, "Well obviously. If you can't tell, I'm a male." I glared at him, "Fine! you're not my dad!" Norman smirked, "I'm not your dad, but I can be your dadd-" I put my hand over his mouth, "S-shut up." Norman snickered, "Will you sleep?" I nodded, blushing. 



Sorry that the chapter is short and it took so long for me to update. I've been busy with finals, but I'll be posting a lot by the end of next week since school will be over soon. 

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