Chapter 9

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Third Person P.O.V

The five friends stayed as close as they possibly could to each other. It was pitch black, their flashlights which were starting to run out of battery were the only things providing light. Everyone seemed frightened of the dark, but the only thing scaring the lovely coup- I mean Norman and Ray was the eerie silence. "I think we should go back," Emma stated. Ray couldn't help but agree, but he knew that if they went back there would be no way out. "No, we have to keep moving forward," he answered. Suddenly, the flashlights went out. All that was heard was footsteps. "Who's moving?" hissed Don. "No one's moving!" whispered Norman. "Guys, shut up!" Ray whispered to both of them. The footsteps seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Till finally...

"Run!" Emma screamed. Everyone panicked, they ran in different directions without looking.

Norman P.O.V

What the hell was that? Was it a demon? Where did everyone go? I took a deep breath and tried to get used to the darkness. I opened my backpack, taking out a few batteries, and replacing the old ones in the flashlight. Everything was bright again. Now, I have to find Ray... and everyone else, but Ray. Everyone else too! Oh, forget it! "Guys!" I shouted. I only received my echo. "Emma, Ray? Don! Gilda!" I tried again. This time I heard a reply. "Norman?" a voice shouted. It sounded like Ray's. "Ray! Where are you?" I asked. "I'm trapped on the other side," he responded. "Guys?" Emma called. "We're here, ray's trapped on one side though," I answered. "I'm trapped too! Also, Gilda's with me," she exclaimed. Then where is Don?

"Hey, are you guys alright?" I questioned. "Gilda and I are fine!" Emma shouted. I waited for Ray's response, "I'm fine." He said, hesitantly. I was sure he was lying, but I couldn't do anything at the moment. "Do you guys see a straight path?" Ray asked. I looked in front of me and there was. "Yea," Gilda and I both replied. "The map shows a way out, but it isn't that precise. Just follow the straight path until you hear the sound of the wind," he said.

We all agreed since Ray had the map. A few minutes passed by and Ray said, "We won't be able to hear each other anymore. Just keep following the path and we'll meet each other when we're out." "Ok, but does anyone know where Don is?" I said. "He's not with you?" Gilda asked. "No. Is he with you Ray?" I inquired. "No, should we find him?" he asked. "Let's go out first, it will be easier to find him if we're together." Everyone seemed to agree to that because I could hear them running forward.

Everything was so quiet, but I suddenly heard wind blowing. Sure enough, 5 minutes later I was out. I saw Don peacefully sitting on the grass. "How'd you get here?" I questioned. "Isn't it obvious, I flew," he said sighing. "I'm serious," I said. "When we all ran, I ran forward and ended up here. I decided to wait here because this might've been an exit. Lucky for me, it was." He responded. A few seconds passed and the girls showed up. The only person left was Ray. We waited for 10 minutes until I got up, "Ok, I'm going to go find Ray now!" 

Ray P.O.V

Great! I sprained my ankle at the time I needed to run! At this point, I was barely even walking. My leg was killing me, but I had to get out. I looked down at the map, I was close to the exit, but not close enough. I sat down and looked at my ankle. This is the worst time for my ankle to give out. I think it's been about an hour since we got separated. I wonder if the others have gotten out. I got up and continued limping forward.

"Ray! Are you over here?" A familiar voice called. "Norman?" I answered. A few moments later a blue eyes boy showed up. "Ray! Are you okay?" He asked, worriedly. "Would you believe me if I said yes?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and shook his head no. "Alright then. I sprained my ankle," I answered. "Are you serious?" he mumbled. He walked up to me and picked me up bridal style. "Hey, what the hell! I can walk you know!" I yelled. "Yea of course you can. I wonder why it was taking you so long to get out!" He responded. "Norman put me down!" I ordered. "Alright, fine," he sighed. The minute my right foot hit the ground, a shock of pain went through my body. "You can pick me up again!" I muttered. He chuckled, but obliged. "Thank you," I said softly. 

The first thing Emma said to me when we got out was, "Aww! Look at Norman and Ray!" I jumped out of Norman's arms to tackle her, but I fell face first. "Are you okay?" Gilda asked. "I just sprained my ankle, I'll be fine," I answered. She opened her bag and took out some stuff. She sprayed my ankle with what I believed was IcyHot (Ring a bell?) and wrapped it. Thankfully I was still able to walk...kinda able to walk. 

"Should we get going?" Norman asked. I was about to answer when Don interrupted, "Wait, when we all ran away, I ended up in the secluded area. I went inside and realized something." He stopped for a good 30 seconds. "Well, what was it?!" Emma questioned. "I found out that this cave leads underground," he replied. "What does that have to do with anything?" I asked. "It means that there could be a path that leads to the outside world from the underground." he shrugged. We stayed silent until Gilda quietly asked, "What if there isn't? We could risk everyone getting caught," "That's true, but this way is safer than our original plan. I don't think anyone knows about this cave. We could take all the kids out from here without getting caught." I said. "What about that thing or whatever we ran from inside the cave?" Emma doubted. "We'll have to be careful," Norman said, shrugging. "I think we have to split up from here," Don muttered. "You're right," Gilda nodded. "Ok, how about Gilda and Don find a way through the cave to the other side, while Emma, Norman, and I get the other kids," I said. "How long do you think it would take for you 3 to get to the last orphanage?" Don inquired. "Three days at most," Norman said. "Do you need more time?" Emma asked. Gilda and Don both shook their heads. "Stay safe," Emma told the both of them before we left towards the last orphanage. 


So I accidentally forgot to add the second to last paragraph. Forgive me for my stupid mistake =_=

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