Chapter 7

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Emma P.O.V

Everything was dark so it looked pretty scary. I was glad I wasn't going alone. We reached the edge of the forest wondering what we should do next. Ray broke the eerie silence, "We need to make the horses push that tree." We followed his gaze to the dead tree. I quickly jumped off my horse and ran to the tree. Everyone else got off their horses and walked towards me. Ray and Norman brought the horse to the edge and aligned them behind the tree. We watched as the horse pushed the tree from the left side then pushed it from the right side. Thankfully, the tree was large enough to reach the other side. Don and Gilda tied the horses to the other trees while I carefully crossed the dead tree. The other four followed me. It was dead silent, I could hear Ray breathing right behind me. All five of us quickly jumped down when we reached the wall. We made our way to our old orphanage only to find everything burned. Gilda started tearing up and Ray just stared at the place in shock. This place was just a farm, but it was our home. I knew the whole thing burned down, but I didn't think it would be like this. The whole place was ruined. We turned away from there and followed the instructions the map was showing. To be honest, I did miss the orphanage. It was the only home I ever had, but at the moment it was the one place we didn't need to be at. Norman must've been thinking the same thing because seconds later he said, "I think we should find our way to the other plant." He took the map from Ray and led us away from the wreckage. The forest was connected to all the other plants, but they were all placed far from each other. I get why they didn't want us to meet, but why do they have to be so far when we have to go there! Plus, the orphanage we had to go to wasn't even next to ours. It was 2 down! I took out the flashlights we had packed and handed one to everyone. We planned on walking for a few more hours. A few hours turned into several more. It was Saturday morning when we reach the next plant, we only had 1 more plant to go. Of course, we weren't anywhere near the plant since there were kids in there. I still want to save all the kids. Maybe I'll ask Ray when he wakes up.

Norman P.O.V

I woke up to Emma and Ray fighting about something. Ray screamed, "Emma we have to stick to our original plan! We can't save all the kids from each plant!" Emma now in tears argued, "We can at least try Ray! The other kids don't even know what's happening to them!" Don't you care?" "Of course I care! There's just no possible way we could save all the kids in one time! Do you even understand how much planning we need? If we take all the kids from every plant, don't you think the demons would catch on and try to find us? Do you know that not everyone will believe us? Think about how many kids we would be leaving with? We would all get caught!" Ray argued back. He was right, but he didn't need to say it like that. I stayed quiet for a bit longer. Emma wasn't stepping down, but they took a break. I watched Ray walk away farther to into the forest while Emma sat down and waited for everyone else to wake up. I pretended to wake up and smiled at Emma, who despite being in a fight, smiled back. Soon after, Don and Gilda woke up. We started opening the food we had brought and sat down. I went to find Ray who was hanging from a tree. "Ray come eat!" I yelled. "I'm busy!" he yelled back. "With what?" I asked. "I'm busy being angry!" he snapped. I burst out laughing, "What's so funny?" he questioned. "You look cute when you're trying to be mad," I explained. He immediately turned crimson red. "Whatever," he muttered. "Will you come back with me?" I asked. He hesitated before nodding. "Guys hurry up!" we heard Emma call. However, when we went back to the others, a girl was standing in front of Emma. "Who's that?" Ray asked Gilda who was standing quietly in the back. "I don't know, she just popped out of nowhere when we were packing up." "Who are you guys?" questioned the mysterious girl. I could see Ray struggle to not walk over there to tell Emma to shut up. I hoped Emma would look over at Ray but she didn't. "I'm Emma. Ray is the raven haired boy, Norman is the white haired boy, Gilda is the green haired girl, and Don is the brown haired boy." The girl gasped, "You guys are the kids that ran away!" How did she know. "I'm Avery!" she said after calming down. "Wait, you know about us?" Emma asked. "Yup! I overheard my mom talk about you guys. She said you escaped Gracefield and yes, I do know about the demons. My friend and I were trying to find ways to escape but it didn't go so well. We gave up, but then you guys escaped which means it's possible!" Avery explained. "Avery! It's time to go back!" we heard someone yell. "Get over here Liam! You have to come see this!" Avery yelled back. A few seconds later a boy who looked about 11 emerged from the bushes. "What do you want me to see Avery?" he asked. He stopped when he saw us. "These are the kids who ran away from Gracefield!" she exclaimed. "Oh. We should get back and tell your friends not to get caught." Liam said. He was about to leave when Ray said, "Could you and Avery tell the other kids about the demons?" "Why?" Liam asked. "We'll help you escape." answered Ray. Emma smiled at him. "Liam walked over to Ray and stared at him. "How should we know we can trust you?" he asked. "Liam! They can help us!" Avery argued. He sighed, then smiled at us. "Ok fine, we'll tell the other kids, but what's do you want us to do after."

"Pack as much stuff as you can since you'll take everyone, when everyone decides to go with you, then go to the next orphanage. Try to find a way to convince the kids in that orphanage to come with you guys. We'll meet you there after we save the kids that got moved from our orphanage." Ray explained. They both nodded and watched at Ray drew a copy of our map. I walked over to my backpack and took out the device Ray had made to take the trackers off. "This takes the tracker off of your ear, use it when you're about to leave. Make sure to keep it hidden. It's the only one we have." Avery took the device and nodded. I looked over at Ray while Don showed Avery how to use it. Gilda stayed in the back before Ray called her. "Can you draw the map?" he asked. She smiled and nodded. As soon as Gilda was done, we heard Liam and Avery's mother call them. "We'll do what we cane now. Stay safe!" Avery said quietly. Liam nodded at us before answering to his mother, "Coming mom! Avery just hurt her foot!" "No-" Avery began before Liam stepped on her foot causing her to scream. "Avery are you ok?" we heard their mother ask. We all started laughing, but quickly stopped when we realized that we had to go.

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!!

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