Chapter 16

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Norman P.O.V

"How many are there?!" I questioned. "Who knows? Just keep running!" Ray answered. "Try climbing onto those rocks," Emma suggested. Most of the walls had many jagged edges to climb on. They were also high up so you could easily hide in corners.

Once we had all latched ourselves onto the walls, we waited quietly. "Ray, how much farther do we have to go?" I asked. "We just have to go straight for like 2 minutes," he responded. I looked at the demons who were checking behind big rocks and crevices. "I think we can run for it," Gilda said. I sent Ray a questioning look. "Yea, we can. Gilda, you and Sherry can go first." They quietly jumped and made a run for it. I jumped down next and checked on them. "Send more," I whispered to Ray, who had also come down. He pointed at Don and two other kids. Once they left, Emma and Phil went, after a few more people left, Ray and I ran for it.

We heard voices and loud footsteps as soon as we left. As we were nearing the end, I turned around just in time to see something about to hit Ray. I shoved him out of the way. A searing pain jolted my body. I looked down to see an arrow in my chest. Ray turned around, "Norman!" he shouted. I put an arm around him, "Quit talking and run!" He shook his head, "I'll pull you." I glared at him, "We'll be caught." That stubborn emo boy never listens. I slowly walked forward as he helped me run a little.

I tried not to pay attention to the yelling going on behind us. Ray and I reached the exit and instantly collapsed. I had to energy to even get up. My shirt was soaked with blood. "Now!" Emma exclaimed. Ray jumped up and I tried to but failed. He and the others started pushing a big rock in front of the entrance. Within seconds the entire exit was blocked. We could hear the rock trying to be moved from the inside. That would buy as a few minutes.

Emma and Gilda noticed the arrow as soon as they turned around. Don was trying to calm down the little kids. Ray carefully took the arrow out. He then helped me take off my shirt. Emma brought medical tape and Gilda helped Ray wrap it around. The tape wasn't strong enough to stop the flowing blood so Ray hastily took his shirt off and wrapped that around me tightly. Only then did I notice the tears that were about to fall from my lover's eyes. I pulled Ray down and whispered in his ear, "I should do this a lot more often if I get to see you shirtless." He muttered something before he and Emma lifted me up. Don rushed towards us, "What happened?" he asked. "I wasn't paying attention behind me, but I'm good. Let's just keep going."

Ray hesitated before him and Don lifted me onto their shoulders. "Guys, you're going to drop me!" Don rolled his eyes, "Quit being dramatic. It's either this or we leave you here." I smirked, "I like the second option better." Don smirked back, "But Ray comes with us." I gasped, "That's not fair! I choose the first option!" Ray laughed.

"You're still bleeding," Ray said, worry evident in his eyes. "It's a little slower. I should be able to make it until we get back to the resort." I reassured him. "Well, it won't be long," Emma said, pointing towards a large building in the distance. "Was it really that close?" Ray questioned. Gilda nodded. "Is that where everyone else is?" Phil asked excitedly. Emma smiled, "Yup!"

"I hope everyone else made it out," Don wondered. "Same," Ray agreed. I could feel myself blacking out. Before I knew it, I could barely keep my eyes open.

Ray P.O.V

"Guys! We need to hurry up! Norman's passing out!" I exclaimed. Don and I starting running faster. Emma quickly opened the doors and we rushed in. I immediately spotted Lillie, the lady who had given us the map. She turned her attention towards the doors and walked towards us. "What happened?!" She asked. "No time! Please just help Norman!" I pleaded. She looked at Norman who was completely out cold. Don and I let her take him. We followed her into the medical attention room. She and a few other people took some supplies and started examining the arrow wound. We were told to wait outside. "I'll find the other kids," Gilda said. "No need. I can see them from here." Emma smiled lightly. We could see a small group of kids walking towards us. "Emma, Ray!" Anna shrieked. "Hey," I replied quietly. We watched as everyone else started chattering with Phil and the others. "Where's Norman?" Thoma questioned, straying from the group. "He got hit by an arrow," I answered. "Will he be ok?!" more kids asked. "We think he'll be ok," Emma said, trying to comfort the younger kids who were unhappy with the news. 

The door opened and I watched as Lillie came out, "He's starting to wake up, but he's not exactly aware of his surroundings. Ray, you can go in first if you want." I quickly ran in. "N-norman!" I choked out. "Hey Ray," he responded. "Why do I see three of you?" he asked. I smiled and shrugged. Norman looked exhausted. "I wish I could just protect you from everything," he whispered before falling back asleep. "Thank you," I whispered back.


This isn't the last chapter. 

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