Chapter 2

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This part is after Emma and Norman found out about Conny.

Third Person P.O.V

Ray had heard Emma cry. It wasn't loud but he still heard it from her room. He watched Norman come inside the room he was in. He looked scared and shocked. Ray kept quiet. The next day was harsh. Emma was less cheery and Norman was plain quiet. That's when Ray realized something. They had left Little Bunny. Mom could've seen it! Emma and Norman became a little secretive. Ray had enough and confronted them. They told him everything. He already knew what happened but pretended like he didn't. Norman obviously didn't buy it but he didn't say anything. Their mom suspected Emma and Norman left the toy bunny at the place the demons were at and that they saw everything. She kept a close eye on them and to be cautious, she asked for another adult to watch them. The new adult was Sister Krone. The kids were happy to meet her, except Ray, Emma, and Norman. The discussed plans on how to escape, but all the plans seemed to have a downside. Ray had a point when he said it would be impossible to save all the kids, but he came around.

They finally concluded that they should try to find a way to bring all the kids to freedom. The 3 of them agreed to let Don and Gilda in on their plan. Gilda believed them but Don was skeptical. In the end they realized it was the only logical explanation as to why no one sent letters or anything like that after they left. After trying to put parts of their plan into action they realized that their mom was always one step ahead of them. Norman quickly realized it was Ray and found out why. Ray became a double spy which was very helpful to the kids. They found out about a tracking device located in their ears. Not too long after a visitor shows up. Her name was Sister Krone. She only wanted to take their mother's spot, she helped the kids with their plan. Sadly, she failed on her own plan and got killed. At that time, Ray was making a device to take out the tracker. 

A few weeks passed and their plan was put on hold. Everyone was enjoying a small break, but Ray was having trouble sleeping. More like he was having a nightmares. One night, he suddenly awoke, he was really scared. He jolted out of his bed and ran outside. He didn't realize it was snowing until he actually set foot in the snow. As freezing as it was he needed to be outside. His dream told him too, but the weather was so cold that he passed out. The next day Norman noticed Ray was out of bed already. He thought he had woken up early, but when he couldn't find Ray anywhere he became worried. Emma, Don, and Gilda started helping too. They checked the whole house twice, but they found nothing. Norman put on shoes and a jacket then ran outside. To his surprise, he saw Ray passed out in the snow in front of the tree he always sat by. He looked so small and helpless. His skin was probably whiter than the snow. Norman quickly picked him up and ran inside. Ray's body was heating up quickly. Their mom ran to them and told Norman to take Ray to the infirmary. She said she would meet them there after she helped a few of the younger kids. Ray woke up to see Norman staring at him with a worried expression. His head and eyes were hurting and he felt cold. Isabella walked in and gave Ray some medicine than left.

Norman P.O.V

Ray was out cold, but he was tossing and turning...a lot. I thought he was trying to get comfortable, but he continued for a good 20 minutes. His breaths were getting shorter as well. That must've been the effect of being sick. I used to get sick a lot so I know that happens sometimes. That's when he screamed. Emma, who had been waiting outside with Don and Gilda, came running in. Don and Gilda right behind her. Ma also came in, but a few minutes after we tried calming him down, she pushed us out. All we heard from the room was Ray screaming "NO" over and over again and mom trying to calm him. She was our "mom" but it didn't feel right to trust her like this when we knew what she was doing to us, but it's not like we had a choice. Suddenly, the screaming stopped and she walked out. We ran into the room and saw Ray just sitting there. He looked more worried than scared. Instead of asking him questions, we let him rest. By the end of the day he was fine. He was no longer sick and he was his normal quiet adorab- I mean introvertive self. You didn't buy that, did you? Yea, I didn't buy it either. As we were going over the plan, I was the only one to notice that Ray didn't include himself in the part where we were all going to escape. I didn't think much of it at the time.

 *Ok, so this part is basically going to be Norman's written plan, but Norman isn't going to die. sorry if this is confusing.*

Still Norman's P.O.V

We planned to burn the orphanage down as a distraction to escape. It was almost Ray's birthday, so the day he would be shipped. We had about 40 minutes till 12. We couldn't bring all the kids, we planned to come back to get the rest of the kids and more kids from the plantations in between 2 years. We just needed a better plan. The only problem was that we couldn't find Ray. We checked the whole place except the dining hall. Emma and I ran into that last room, knowing he'd be in there. We weren't ready for what we saw. Ray was holding the cans of gasoline. He saw us walking and quickly dumped one can on the ground and one on himself. Then it hit! He didn't include himself in the plan, because he never planned to leave! (I honestly can't find what he said to Emma, so if anyone knows please tell.) Ray lit a match and whispered, "Bye bye guys." As he was about to throw the match when I screamed, "Wait! I love you!" Emma looked at me with that face that says 'I knew it' and Ray just looked embarrassed. I mean it did stop him. We explained the plan we came up with. He was pretty surprised. We set everything and lit the place on fire. Ray and I ran out and Emma stayed pretending to cry, since a fake Ray was in the fire. Ma came and told Gilda to take the babies out of her room and the rest of the kids. We all went outside. When Emma had the chance she ran out from there. Don, Gilda, Ray, Emma, the rest of the kids that were older than 5, and I ran into the forest to the wall.

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