nico i • afterparty

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Okay. This is fine. This is all fine. Things happen. Suppression often brings upon impulsive explosions of our inner conscious when mixed with alcohol, so I'm not insane! I'm just suppressed. That's what happens when you go 18 years without sexual activities.

At least, I was suppressed.

I knew I was a fucking idiot to go to that party. I knew exactly what I would find—drunk Neanderthals desperately humping each other, primal instinct on full display as if their lives were dependent on it, and a musty cloud of axe body spray. And that's exactly what I encountered.

But, my step-sister Hazel...let's just say she's not new to it. Plus, it was graduation night for her and she just got dumped by her newest addition to our lives(what an exciting 2 months those were). She was on a weirdly sad high, and would rather be on a chemically-induced one.

I didn't want to go. I told her I didn't want to go! But then she rambled about how when she leaves for college, I'll regret this bonding experience, and also that if I keep on going like this, I'll have wild 20s...blah, blah, blah. I was backed into a corner.

So, she made me take my first ever shot from whatever disease-ridden bottle she pulled from under her bed, and...

And now I'm doing the walk of shame at 6 AM, eyeliner smudged down my face, and my shirt completely unbuttoned. My pores have never felt so clogged(thanks to Hazel's pre-gaming followed with the words, 'plleeeaasee let me do your makeup!').

I shudder thinking about the events leading up to 2 hours ago. I can't believe I could have been so stupid.

I may have...sort of...hooked up with the quarterback, Will Solace. Remember those Neanderthals I was talking about? Yeah.

He's practically hopeless and everyone feeds off of it. Every girl is practically in love with him. He's like a fucking golden retriever, there seems to be nothing in his head. The only time I've ever really talked to him before is when he paid me $50 to write his essay—only because my best friend, Reyna, who usually does it for him, was out for two weeks with the flu.

He has never had to work for anything in life. His family is rich and powerful, he's got a natural talent when it comes to throwing footballs I guess, and he's okay-looking. Okay, maybe he's alright. Or Gorgeous. Sculpted by the Gods.

So what if he's attractive? His personality is as complex as a nerd rope, and that's all that really matters.

But the biggest kicker—he's straight. Of course I know that people stay in the closet for ages, and I didn't expect me to be the only raging homosexual in a school of 700, but Will Solace? It just seemed...hard to believe.

   Oh Christ. My first kiss was Will fucking Solace. The first guy I've ever...

   Shit, shit, shit. I feel like I should wash my mouth out with soap. And take several baths. At least I didn't go all the way with Will, but I still definitely went to a certain extent. And it wasn't until we were about to go all the way when I realized exactly what I was doing—so I screamed and ran out of the room.

   I want to slam my head into a wall.

   I had it all planned out since I was little! I would go on a crazy romantic date with a guy I liked, and I would have my first kiss under the stars, and we would hold hands ,and talk about philosophy, and make a joke about how they all speak of marriage as some cursed thing but we could probably make it work—

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