nico xv • last day of summer

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   Back inside the house, all I wanted to do was go up to my room and cry, but the party was growing ferocious. People had begun to climb out onto the roof, which only reminded me of when Will and I climbed out to watch the sun rise. There were people flooding the yards completely wasted, and somehow, there had been one of those blow-up sex dolls being thrown around the living room. The entire house was trashed and the music was so loud it was splitting my ear drums.

   Hazel finds me as soon as I walk into the house. "Holy shit," Hazel grins, dancing to the song. "This party is fucking crazy."

   I take my phone out and try to call Will, but he sends me to voicemail. I just want to make sure he was okay. My whole body was shaking in anxiety, and I ended up forcing down shots.

"Are you okay?" She yells over the music.

Hearing those words just made me want to melt into a puddle. All I can do is shake my head 'no.'

   She presses her lips together and takes my hand. She leads me upstairs, pushing through everybody, and heads straight into her room. "Get out, horndogs! Shoo!" She yells at two people making out on a beanbag chair. They give her an annoyed look but eventually stumble out, and I immediately sit down on her bed. "What happened?"

   "Will broke up with me," I say, biting on my bottom lip to stop the tears. But they stream down my face anyway.

   Hazel puts her hand on her hip and sighs. "I've been there a lot," she heads over to her dresser and pulls out makeup wipes. "Why? I thought everything was fine."

   "It was," I let Hazel point my chin up as she carefully cleans up my eye-liner covered face. "But..." I take out my phone and hand her the article. "This is because of me."

   Hazel's eyes widen. "Oh, shit," she gulps.

   "Now he's angry at me," I say. "B-but we had just said we loved each other. Half of me thinks he's just scared."

"Maybe he'll calm down after a little bit?" She asks.

I inhale deeply. "I'm such an idiot," I cry.

"Hey, don't say that," Hazel sits down next to me. "We all go through breakups. Noncommittal guys are the worst, even if you can make them fall for you. They'll leave as soon as things get bad. There's other people out there. Fish in the sea, y'know?"

"I don't want fish," I sniffle. "I want Will."

She puts an arm around me and I lean my head on her shoulder. "It'll be okay. First loves are necessary for every non-aromantic teen out there."

"How do you usually get over being dumped?" I wipe away a tear, looking up at her.

She presses her lips together. "Honestly? I hook up with someone new."

I gulp. "Oh."

"It's not everyone's cup of tea, and that's fine," she shrugs. "But the house is full of people wanting to get their pants off at every chance possible."

The room was already beginning to spin, and I couldn't tell if the alcohol currently in me was helping or worsening my current sadness.

I stand up, slightly wobbly. "You're right," I declare. "I'm gonna...find a man!"

I throw open the door, leaning against the railing until I hit the ground. My eyes search through the crowd, before they land on one specific guy. I walk up to him, tapping on his back.

"You were right," I yell over the music. "He left me."

Percy's eyes bounce around my entire face. "W-what? He did? Are you okay?"

   "Do you want to go somewhere more private?" I ask.

   Percy looks around before nodding slowly. I turn first, allowing him to follow me. All of this going up-and-down the stairs are going to give me a headache. We sneak our way into my room and I shut the door behind me.

   He sits on the bed as I strip my shirt off. He's slightly surprised but is quick to catch on, taking off his as well. I climb on top of him, our lips pressed together.

   I've wanted this since middle school, dreamt about it. I just need a few seconds to get into it.

   His hands are cold on my torso, and as we make out, I feel his hand travel up to my chest. My eyes widen and I pull away as we stare at each other in shock.

   "S-sorry," he stammers, his face red. "I'm used to...boobs being there..."

   "I-it's fine," I say, and press my lips back on his. He's not a bad kisser by any means.

   His hands travel down to my jeans, unbuttoning them. I gulp as he does.

   "I've never touched another dude's junk before," he says slowly.

   This was getting awkward. "It's fine. Here, let me just start on you?" I say, going to my knees. I unbuckle his jeans, then stare at his underwear. I feel tears start to well again, until I'm full-on sobbing.

   "W-what is it?" Percy asks.

   "You and Will wear the same kind of underwear," I cry. "Of course you would! You guys are practically brothers and I'm the slutty bride who sleeps with both the night before the wedding. I'm the worst!"

   "I don't know much about weddings, uh," Percy goes to help me up. "But I don't think you should sweat it, man. You're in love with him, aren't you?"

   "So in love it makes me sick," I croak.

   "I guess I already knew that," he says. "Will loves you, too. Things like that are worth fighting for, right? I wish I had fought more for me and Annabeth, but I'm off to college so...I wasted too long waiting."

   I sniffle. "Do you miss her?"

   "Of course," he says. "Always."

   I swallow. "Then I know what I'm going to do."

   Percy raises an eyebrow, waiting for my response.

   "I'm going to get him back," I say. "No matter what."

To be continued...

AHHHH we're done with this story!!!! omg!!!


"You're The One That I Want"

(you are the one i want, woo-hoohoo HONEY)

i will update this fic when the first chapter is out:))

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