nico x • coming full circle

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I held the envelope in my hand, staring hard.

To: Nico

From: Maria

"Are you gonna open it?" Dad asks. He sits across from me in the recliner, Marie resting right beside him on the arm. He got me up early this morning just to sit me down and show me. And Marie was practically biting her nails off.

I press my lips together. "No," I decide. "I don't care about anything she has to say."

"Nico," dad looks at me harshly. "She's your mother."

"Marie is more my mom than she ever was," I say, tossing the envelope to the other end of the room. Dad follows it. Marie gives me a comforting smile.

"Seriously, Nico?" Dad sighs. "You don't have to always be so difficult."

"I get to be difficult. She messed me up."

"No she did not," dad rolls his eyes. "You've made straight A's since elementary. You hardly ever act out. And we haven't had to worry about you for 18 years. At least not much."

For some reason, that made me really angry. I could feel it boiling up inside.

"That's exactly how I'm messed up," I scoff. "Does a kid really need to be high on meth for there to be a problem?"

"Nico, you're a good kid. You don't have a problem."

I bite back a laugh. What a fucked up philosophy that parents just don't get. A kid can be the kindest, most wholesome, and obedient child ever; it won't stop them from having issues. And even if a kid was struggling, why couldn't they be good? But I couldn't say that.

"You know nothing about me, and neither does mo—Maria. So, there you go. I don't care what it says. I hate her."

"I'll leave you two alone," Marie whispers, and escapes out of the room. Dad rubs his temples, stands, and grabs the envelope. He unfolds it.

"Dear Nico," he reads out. "I know you probably don't want to hear from me, if you even remember who I am. I also know that it's been awhile. I really want to get to know you, and I want you to come see me. If you'll give me a chance."

I cross my arms. "I'm not going to see her."

"Well, maybe it's not your choice," he crosses his arms right back. "I am your father and I'm putting my foot down. You live under my roof. You're going to go see her."

I stand. "Why? You don't even like her! She left both of us. Even if you guys weren't together, she still left you with no hope."

"Your mother...she was going through something," he sighs. "She had a rough time."

"She didn't want me, and I don't want her," I cry.

"She needed time, Nico. And she loves you. I know she does."

"Do you want me to have a fucked up idea of love?"

"Language, Nico. And sometimes people leave because they love you."

"Fuck you and fuck her," I hiss.

"Nico," dad rubs his temples. "You're overreacting. She wants to just know you."

"Why aren't you getting this?" I scoff. "She LEFT!"

"And you've lived pretty comfortably since," dad barks. "Most kids would be ecstatic to get this news."

"She is the reason I feel like I'm never good enough," I yell. I can feel a tear slip out of my eye.

Dad is slightly taken back. "Is that how you really feel?"

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