nico xii • a lesbian socialite, a california douche bag, and a guy back home

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my favorite chapter title so far
also this song is so cute^^

The flight was insanely boring. I read mostly, and wrote small tidbits. Most of the time, I was just fucking anxious and wanting to get off the plane. And the other times I was half-wishing the plane would just go down, so I wouldn't have to face my mom.

   God, I was not prepared for this.

   I step off the plane and into the cold airport (why are they always freezing?) and awkwardly walk into the large room, following the crowd of people I was on the plane with to baggage claim. It was dark outside and I pull out my phone, sending a text to my parents to tell them I made it, and then sending a text to Will. However, the text sends green instead of blue—a weird occurrence.

   I try to ignore it and put my phone in my back pocket, grabbing my suitcase from the belt. I follow the crowd once more. People began to separate, or meet up with random people waiting for them. I awkwardly lean against the wall, realizing I had no idea what the hell she even looked like.

   "N-Nico?" Asks a voice. I freeze up, and face it.

   I wasn't sure what I was expecting. Part of me was thinking my mom was a druggie, or that she had something wrong with her—something that made it evident why she couldn't take care of me all those years.

   But I catch my breath. She's beautiful. Her hair is dark like mine, flowing in long, elegant curls down her shoulders. She wears natural yet dramatic makeup with mature red lipstick and a tight-fitting black dress. A white blazer was draped across her shoulders, laying beneath her fancy pearls, and her hands were nervously touching over her torso. She looked like an Italian movie star.

   "That's me," I say slowly.

   She laughs softly, almost out of disbelief. Neither of us really knew what to do. She wasn't sure if she should hug me, and I wasn't sure either. "Wow," she smiles. "You've gotten so big."

   I cross my arms. "It's been awhile. Of course I've gotten big."

   She doesn't seem surprised by my aggression. It was almost like she was expecting it. "It has been awhile," she nods. "But I'm glad to be seeing you now. Do you need help with that?"

   I follow her gestures at my suitcase and defensively wrap my hands around the handle. "No. I can get it."

   She holds in a breath, forces another smile and nods again. "The car's just up front. Are you ready?"

   I shrug, but she reads it as a 'yes.' She walks closely by me, nervously rubbing her hands, unsure of what to say. When we make it outside, she leads me to a Ferrari.

   I was slightly frozen for a second when she stepped into the drivers seat. Slowly, I creep into the passengers, looking all around.

   "Is everything okay?" She asks.

   "I don't think I've ever been in a car this expensive," I whisper. "And my boy—my friend is super rich."

   She smiles softly and starts up the car. "Would you like to play music?"

   I nod and she hands me her phone. I put on the first song that came to mind. 'Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now" by The Smiths.

   She tries to hide a smile as we drive. "You know, I used to listen to The Smiths in high school."

   I look over at her. "Really? You don't take me as 'The Smiths' type."

   "God, are you kidding me?" she exclaims. "You know, there was nothing like sneaking out and drinking a couple of beers with your friends while Morrissey sings through your radio with that angelic voice of his. Of course, he's a real fuckin' bigot but man, could he sing."

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