will iii • video games and the internet

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i made the Spotify playlists for both characters on Spotify :))) my username is lulibabee if you want to go listen to their playlists!!


   "I didn't know he had so much fire in him," Piper says. The party with the mayor had ended an hour before, but dad made it clear that we didn't have to be home until a few more hours. We drove the car up to the top of Venus hill, a common hook-up place. Smoke floated upwards as we look down at our town.

   "Yeah, me either," I cough. We sit on the trunk of my car, her hair is up in a messy bun, and she has her dress spiked up, revealing her thighs. "He's even more annoying outside of school."

   "I wouldn't say he's annoying," Piper smirks.

"He's annoying," I groan and lean back. She looks over at me, brushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

"So, Venus Hill?" She raises an eyebrow. "I know you don't plan on making a move on me."

"You don't know that."

She leans back, laying right next to me. "You're so..." she looks up at the stars. "I wish you wouldn't be so closed-off."

"Who says I'm closed off?"

"We all pick up on it," her head tilts. I can feel her looking at me, but I keep my eyes on the town. "After freshman year...you stopped being happy. You became cold."

I swallow hard. "It's called puberty."

She blinks slowly, letting out a sigh. She hands me the blunt and tightens her bun. "Yeah," she says. "I guess that was why I liked you at first. Because you didn't have strings attached. Because you weren't going to meddle into my feelings or become obsessed with me, and you didn't get jealous when I hung out with my guy friends. But then I wanted to save you."

"Save me?" I cock an eyebrow.

"I wanted to be the person who would make you crack," she shakes her head. "I've seen romcoms before, you know. As a woman, it's felt like my job to see the cold-hearted bad boy and try to thaw his heart. I center my femininity around being that person to a man."

I look over at her. Her eyebrows are tugging at a frown, and her eyes are sad. "I don't need to be saved, Piper," I whisper. "And even if I did, it wouldn't be your job."

She meets my eyes. "I know," she whispers back. "I like the idea of being in your life, being someone who helps you. It makes me feel like I'm in on your secret. Like I'm somehow special to you. But no one is an exception to you, are they?"

I bite the inside of my mouth. I don't know what to say to that.

"I'm sure not," she shrugs. "But it makes me worry, Will. You can't keep everyone shut out. Not forever."

   I press my lips together. I know she's being genuine. But I wish she knew that I can't tell her, or Percy, or anyone who I really am out of love. So what if I tell them I'm gay? I'm never going to be open about it, I'm always going to be under my father's hand, and I'm going to probably marry some lady, most preferably a closeted-lesbian in the same boat as me. And then they'll continue to worry that I'm wasting my life. They'll be hurt. And I'll feel guilty.

   "I'm going to be fine, Piper," I force a smile. "I promise."

   She studies my face, nodding slowly. It's not the answer she wants, but she doesn't pry. Instead, she forces a smile back, and takes the blunt out of my hand. "Stop hogging," she smirks. "We should probably get going. Just because your dad is obsessed with the possibility of us having sex doesn't mean my dad is."

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