nico viii • the adventures of supply closets

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   o k e so i know i have some asexual readers or readers who aren't really comfortable w smut, so uh, just wanted to say that i'll mark the beginning, important parts(like dialogue or thought), and the ends with ***, so you can skip the smut part if you so wish to

Octavian got me in as a waiter, which was possibly the best outcome I could have hoped for. Rich folks treat waiters like objects—they could admit their deepest darkest secrets, and all you'd have to do is offer appetizers at the right time.

And I was ecstatic to rub it in Will's face.

   Although, before I get to that...

   The entire week was normal as usual. I've been enjoying my life as a fellow teenager with a phone. Although, I do feel a huge disconnect, almost like social media wasn't as interesting as I remembered it.

   I've been texting Percy all week. Mainly it's just us talking about our day, memes, and other minuscule what if takes a little while to get him to open up? I'm fine with going slow.

   I haven't brought up the crush or questioning thing yet, and I think I'm going to just wait it out until he officially tells me. It's probably overwhelming.

   And well, I wasn't expecting marriage to happen immediately. Like I said, I'm fine with slow.

   We're hanging out the day after Will's dad's party. Percy and Will being best friends gets increasingly more difficult. I want to be honest about everything to Percy, but I don't want him to keep secrets from Will. So, I try and tell him really broad things, like "I may be secretly attending someone you may or may not know's father's party and trying to bust them."

   Percy pretends not to know, so he doesn't have to tell.

Hazel's been sneaking out at night, for whatever reason that may be. I think she may like another boy. That's just a hypothesis, though.

   Mom and dad have been working late lately, and Percy invited me to a party a few days ago, but I decided to stay home simply because I was too scared to. I know my parents probably wouldn't figure out, but I was probably on probation. Percy told me I didn't miss much, he just had a talk with Will. But since then, he's been more flirty.

   If he brings up his sexuality, or asks about my feelings for him, I'll tell him the truth. That I'm not in love with Will, and that I love him.

   I think.

   Well, maybe it's not love just yet. I guess Will was right that first night. I can't really love someone I don't know. But, I want to know the dark and gritty things about Percy. I want to know the things that made him the way he is.

   I was actually thinking about that, with Will. How his dad treats sex as a thing with no emotional connection. I know Will is different from his dad, though. Maybe he doesn't feel the emotions of sex, but he knows, at least subconsciously that there is an impact. Why else would he avoid relationships?

   And then I got to thinking, what does that mean for me?

   Did my mom make me this person who was in need of commitment?

   I could kind of see it. I mean, constantly asking your dad when your mom is coming back only for her to never do so must do something to a kid. And well...

A lot of things in early life set up the way you are, right? But life isn't completely like that. It's not as simple, at least. There's things you learn about yourself on the way. Feelings that are apart of nature, for the most part at least.

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