nico ii • workin' 9 to 5

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   Okay. So I might have accidentally started a war between Will and I. But it's not my fault!

   Let me start from the events of Tuesday morning, the day after my first day at the internship.

   "Hazel," I whispered, gently shaking the girl. "Hazel!"

   She slowly blinks, her eyes trying to adjust to the light. Hair stuck to saliva dripping down her chin as she turned over. "What do you want?" She groans.

   "Will you do my makeup?" I asked quietly.

   She squints, rubbing her eyes. "W-what?"

   "I need you to do my makeup and dress me like you did for the party," I explain.

   "W-what, why?"

   To be fair, maybe Will's words did hit a little close to home. I didn't know he could be so...cold. The things that we did meant nothing to him? Seriously? I was here, feeling dirty, and he just saw me as a drunken snack? And then had to nerve to say I had no experience?

   Which, fine, maybe I don't, but I'm not going to let him win. This is my internship. I can learn to be wild. These are my teenage years! I'll show him.

   "Don't ask questions," I whispered. "Will you do it?"

   She let out a sigh and stretched her arms. "Alright. Fine. But you're gonna have to learn to do it yourself."

  And now, I sit, feeling like I'm drowning in my shirt. Still, I don't feel too bad. I feel like I'm in an old twenty one pilots music video. 12 year old me would be proud.

   Will's been eyeing me down the entire time. I keep my eyes focused on a document that Drew demanded we proofread. He clicks his pen every few seconds. His eyebrows are furrowed in, his nose scrunched, and his lips seal together into a frown. I have a highlighter in my hand, ready to go, but I've been reading the same sentence over and over, mainly because he won't stop staring.

   "Anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare?" I clear my throat and adjust myself in the chair.

   "Why are you dressed like that? What's your angle, di Angelo?"

   I turn slightly and reach for the pen in his hand, yanking it out of his grasp. "This is the new me."

   "Is this because of what I said?"

   "Not everything is about you," my eyes dart to his. "Are you going to fucking help with this or not?"

   He sighs and sits up in the chair, pulling the document all the way to the end of the desk where he was sitting, away from my line of sight. I reach for it but he pulls it away even farther from me. I slam my hand on the end and tug it towards me. He yanks it back.

   "Stop being a douche," I try to grab it again.

   He shrugs and pushes it back to me. I'm hesitant at first, but he seems disinterested. I press my hand down slightly, eyeing him with a threatening look that I hope prevents him from any tricks, and go to pull quickly. However, as soon as I do that, he yanks it back.

   "Give. It. Back!" I try to keep my voice low, yet stern, and lean half of my body over the table, frantically trying to grab the papers.

   "You wanted me to help, didn't you?"

   "Not. What. I. Meant," I growl. He stands suddenly, holding it straight above his hand. I go up to meet his eyesight, reaching upwards. Nice way to make me feel short. My hands slap at his as he fakes a yawn.

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