nico ix • coming out...a lot

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                              plan didn't really work out.

Listen, I originally showed up to force myself through a hook-up, sneak off sometime in the night, and find Will's dad's office so that I could find some top secret info. But then I got distracted, okay?

   And maybe it was fake at first, but when Will told me he'd already...fooled around...

   I may have felt just a tad bit jealous. But then I realize that that's stupid, because I know exactly the kind of person Will is. He's the type of guy who likes to things. With people. I'm one of those people.

   We were laying in bed, when I straight up admitted to him. "Why do you regret it?" I ask. "Y'know. Just out of curiosity."

   Will calmly breathes. I watch his chest rise and fall, and sync mine with his. "I regret it because you regret it."

   "Who says I regret it?"

   "I assumed you would."

   "Because I regretted it last time?"

   "Well, yeah. And you know. You want your first time doing stuff to be special. Even if that isn't my philosophy..." his eyes trace my face, completely unreadable. "I can still respect that it's yours."

   I turn completely on my side, laying my cheek onto my hand. "Do you want the truth?"

   He nods.

   "I don't regret it," I whisper, staring at him. "It makes more sense that way. With me freaking out about it, right? But I...I liked it. There wasn't any pressure. It just happened."

   " don't think it was wrong?"

   "No. I like to prepare for everything, overthink it. I've tried to do that. It's how I make good grades. And I guess there could be some truth to being a people pleaser," I shrug. "But this've completely ruined that for me. I couldn't prepare for you. But somehow I feel more me than I ever have. Which is really confusing."

   "I don't know if that is a compliment or not," Will snorts. "But I'm glad you don't regret it."

   I smile. "Thanks for...uh, thinking about me?"

   "The bare minimum," Will laughs.

   "Whatever," I roll my eyes. "Thanks anyways."

   "If it's any consolation," Will says. "I've ruined things for me too."

   "How so?"

   Will smirks. "It's a secret."

   "Oh my—seriously?"


   "Don't be a douche."

   "Oh, but you call me that everyday," he puts a hand over his heart.

   I narrow my eyes at him. "Don't. Be. A. Jerk."

   "Sorry, Nico. You can't know."

   I pick up a pillow. "Sure you want to do that?"

   "I'm sure," he says. I swing the pillow at him, hitting him in the shoulder. "Ow!"

   "Tell me!" I whine.

   But a mischievous smile washes over his face. In a burst I was unable to fathom, he hits me back with a pillow. I let out a shocked gasp. "See how that worked out for you?"

   I scrunch up my face. "Oh, you jerk!" I yell, climbing on top of him.

   "You're fully aware that I'm an athlete...and you're..." his mouth falls open. "Aren't you a band kid?"

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