nico iii • fluorescent adolescent

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   I collapse onto my bed, a sense of accomplishment washing over me. I finally got Will to agree to the topic being my choice. Reyna and Thalia were off having drinks with the rest of the protestors, but I'm staying sober after the massive headache I endured my first day at the internship. You know, amongst the other things that happened while I was drunk. Anyway, they're coming over in a little bit afterwards, considering they want to insert their input into my piece. I'm still surprised I snuck out undetected, and tonight, I'm sneaking in those two. Jesus, I was killing this experience thing.

It's 11 PM, and not an ounce of sleepiness crosses my mind as my body vibrates with adrenaline. I just begin to scroll through my Instagram page. Most are just activism posts, but every now and then I see people from my school. Freshman year, I basically followed anyone and everyone in hopes they would be my friend. Now I could not give a shit if they were; most were imbeciles, especially in Goode, and not worth my time.

I see this one guy's maternity photos. His name's Luke Castellan, he was probably the most well known guy in the school when I was a freshman for some kind of football title. If it weren't for Percy being the hottest person to ever exist, and the fact that he was straight, I would have probably been into him. He and his girlfriend were like a power couple. I don't really have an expertise in relationships, but I think they were happy together. Why else would they get married after school?

It feels weird seeing him expecting a kid, still, it's kind of cute. I won't ever take maternity photos, but I wonder if someday I'll adopt a kid with my future husband. The more and more I think about the future, the more excited I get.

   Future husband.

   Okay, so maybe I searched up Percy's account after thinking about that.

   As soon as I click on his profile, and see the last picture posted, I hold my breath. Slowly, I press on it.

   It's Percy and Will in a side-ways hug facing the camera, and they're on the beach. It must have been taken on Wednesday at that party. They're both shirtless, and the caption reads, 'best bros!'

   My throat tightens. I couldn't focus on anything else except them shirtless. I should probably just turn my phone off, read the communist manifesto maybe. But, well...

   No. Oh fuck no. Please no.

   Fucking teenage hormones.

   I pulled his shirt off, my legs on either side of him. His hands tangle in my hair, one hand balancing the weight of us. My eyes trailed down to his abs, sculpted by gods, and he presses his forehead to mine as I try to catch my breath.

"You're so fucking hot," I whispered, my words slurring together.

Stop it, stupid brain! I'm not thinking about this right now. Nope. Nope. Won't do it.

But my body is saying otherwise. I slam down my phone on the bed, cover my face with my pillow and scream, hoping it goes away on its own. I hate doing...that thing.

Wait a god damn minute.

Because of Will?

Not Percy?

There's no fucking way. I pull my phone back up, scrolling past that picture and to more pictures of Percy. My stomach flutters.

I release a deep breath.

Okay, so maybe it was just Percy.

As I swipe out of his profile, it flashes his entire page, and my eye catches a glimpse of Will, giving me chills. For experimental purposes only, I go back to the picture, and press onto Will's account that's tagged. Most of his pictures are him working out, his abs on full display.

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