nico xiv • leave before they get the chance

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   The Saturday following after arriving at my mom's was—well, not so much fun. The entire day mom was trying anything and everything to make us bond, and I'll admit, I was trying to be the worst possible son ever.

Maria was driving me around, introducing everything, as Bianca sat in the back. Bianca was a nuisance, kicking and screaming, even worse than me. And every time Maria said anything I would blow her off and text Will, even though his phone was off.

I was mainly just excited to go home, especially now since we' Last night I even sent him a promiscuous picture. I know! I'm a changed guy. But I really do like Will. And I trust him.

Junior year me couldn't believe I was saying this about Will.

And when Sunday came, I could barely contain myself. I was so excited to get back.

But Maria ended up calling me down before I could get too excited.

When I came down, she was sitting on the couch, only in her pajamas. Her hair was messy and unbrushed, her face was completely natural, and she was rubbing her eyes.

"I know you hate me," she says. "But can we at least have a conversation before you leave?"

I don't want to. But I guess I have to. I slowly approach her, taking the spot in front of her.

"I'm an asshole," she sighs. "And you have every right to be mad at me. I've disappointed you more time than I can count, and I'm prepared to spend the rest of my life making it up. If that's what you want."

I pop my fingers. "Fine."

She looks up, her eyes wide. "Fine?"

"I'm done with asking 'why,'" I shrug. "It doesn't matter. No amount of explanations has helped. So I'm done asking."

She offers a hand. I stare at it and keep my arms crossed across my chest. "That's fair," she says. "I was—am a bad mom to you, Nico. And I'm sorry. And you can visit or ask me for anything, okay?"

   I nod. She fixes her pants and stand up. "I love you," she says, then bends down and kisses me on the forehead, walking away.

   And with that, I can feel tears forming in my eyes, which only pisses me off. But I can't help it.

   On the way to the airport a few hours later, guilt was starting to settle in my stomach. I know that 13 years of confusion and anger can't be fixed in a weekend, but I still felt like I was too hard on her.

We stand in front of the gate and she takes a deep breath. "Do you have everything?"

I nod. She looks almost fragile. I take a deep breath. "Yeah," I clear my throat. "I should probably go. They're gonna start boarding any minute now."

She forces a smile. "Okay," she crosses her hands in front of her waist. "Thanks for coming to see me."

I press my lips together and turn, heading towards the boarding area. Don't look back, I tell myself. Don't care.

But I do anyway, to see her wiping away tears that she was trying to keep from me. I swallow, grip my bag tight, and walk back to her. I force myself to hug her, to which she's surprised, but slowly squeezes me tightly. "Bye, mom," I say.

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