will xiii • resolutions

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"You know you could have told me," Percy says, sitting down across from me. "I wouldn't have cared that you're gay."

"I know," I lower my head. "But you would have. You would have cared that I was going to live a lie my whole life."

"I don't understand why," Percy crosses his arms. "I'm not the smartest, but I think I know that a lot of people only choose that life because they think they have no other choice. Like, they're scared they're going to Hell. I don't think you have any religious issues to deal with."

I press my lips together and mess with the string on my jeans. "For my dad," I whisper. "And my mom and my brother and sister. If I ever...came out publicly, that means I lose them."

Percy squints. "I thought you didn't like your dad."

"I don't..." I trail off, focusing my eyes on the pattern of the rug below. "But...it's not quite that simple."

Percy leans back. "You know what I feel," he says. "So I won't make it worse. How does Nico fit into all of this?"

I shrug. "Well...I don't know," my voice is quiet. "He just kinda...meddled his way in and now it's like I can't get rid of him, even when he's not trying. Like he's just constantly on my mind."

"In a bad way?"

"No," I scratch the back of my neck. "Sometimes? But most of the time it's like...well he makes me think that, maybe, I don't have to be like my dad, y'know. That everything isn't as black and white as it seems."

Percy looks slightly confused, but is trying hard to understand. "Okay," he nods slowly. "So, what's the deal?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"You don't know?" Percy tilts his head.

"I like him," I say. "That's all I know really."

"Then don't screw it up," Percy says, taking out his phone. "Figure it out, but don't figure it out alone. Call him."

I gulp and take the phone out of his hands.

"Wow," Travis grins. "Will! That's amazing!"

I rub my forehead. I was going back home in a few hours after spending the night at Percy's, but I was trying to find any excuse to procrastinate actually going. "It's...not that amazing."

"You're monogamously dating someone," Travis exclaims. "You, Will, the fucking anti-Aphrodite, 'love' is just a marketing scheme, Solace, are in a relationship."

   I push him playfully. "Shut up."

   "Never thought it would be Nico di Angelo. I'm pleasantly surprised," Travis smiles. "You're fulfilling my dying wish."

   "Don't joke about that, asshole," I snort. Travis laughs, scooting in closer to me.

   "My Willie's in love."

"Don't say Willie, and I never said anything about love."

"Oh, really? Are you sure you're not in love with him?" Travis says. "He's only been non-stop on your mind for the past 3 months."

"2 and a half," I correct him. "We're casual, alright? I don't need to be in love with him to accept that I want to be with him. And what do you even know about love?"

"I may be self-sabotaging when it comes to committed relationships, but contrary to popular belief, I have been in love before," Travis says. "And the fact that you ask that means you believe in the concept of love now."

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