will iv • the gospel and drunks

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   Most people usually spend the time after church with their family, going out to eat, or heading home to relax, maybe watch a movie.

   It used to be like that for us. When I was younger, before double digits, I loved church like it was a second home. I used to devour the words of the sermon, soaking myself in the teachings. I prayed every night, begged dad to read me scriptures before bed, and sang hymns in the car. We used to go every Wednesday for youth group, and I was excited to see all of my friends. Then, middle school came, along with my Internet habits, and there was a switch. It didn't happen immediately, more of an inevitable slow turning wheel, inching closer and closer to the edge of a cliff. And I wasn't the only one.

I remember when we began hanging out with the high schoolers, sneaking out back, taking whatever they dug out of their pockets. It was fucking funny, smoking and drinking before or after Wednesday church. The amount of cigarette buds that littered the backside of the church could suffice an addict for a year.

It would have bummed younger-me out.

Everything was fine until...

Let's just say, I looked up to my dad. His religion, his career, everything. Until I didn't.

And now?

Well, I'm not interested in God, or the sermon obviously meant for me earlier today. In fact, I was so fucking done with it all. Nico pissed me off.

Why does it have to be Percy? Of all people, my best friend? Why did I hook up with him?

The worst fucking part was how it slightly turned me on. He got really hot when he was angry, and a part of me wanted to put him in his place, pushing him into the wall to remind him who's the dominant one. But the other side of me knew what that would lead to, and he's obviously uncomfortable with the memory of us anyway, and he thinks he's in love with Percy, and, well...

   Oh, God. Why am I even thinking of him?

   I decide to push it out of my mind as I sit in my room, changing out of my Sunday best and into something more casual. Clearing my throat, I jog downstairs, stuffing my phone into my pocket.

   "Do you mind if I go see Piper?" I ask, rolling into dad's office. He clicks away on the computer, the ends of his lip stretching into a smile.

   "You've been seeing her quite a lot," he says.

   I nod. "I really like her," I drive it in.

   "Glad you two are happy again," he winks, pushing out his chair. "Have enough money?"

   "Er-uh, no," I make a last minute decision to lie. It wouldn't hurt to have some extra change just in case. Dad digs in his wallet, retrieving a wad of cash and offers it to me. I take it with an appreciative grin.

   "Keep your options open unless you plan to marry her, kid," dad winks. I bite my tongue.

   I try to hide the blatant hypocrisy in his statement. As if I don't remember what he did despite being married. I force a smile. "Yeah," I swallow, burying the money in my pockets and turning out the door.

   "Who was the alibi this time?" Travis asks.

   I shrug. "Piper," I say calmly. Travis slides out of the other side of the bed, brushing his fingers through his hair.

   "Ah," Travis nods. "She's too pretty for you."

   I roll my eyes, pulling on my shirt. "You're probably right about that."

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