will x • fighting with your best friend over the guy you both like

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   Nico and I laid next to each other. The sheets hardly covered us, but we didn't seem to care. I couldn't take my eyes off of him, and his hand laid on my shoulder. He touched it delicately, but comfortably. To say the sex felt good was an understatement.

"Is this still platonic?" I whisper, not holding back a smile. He laughs and props himself up on his elbow, laying his cheek on his palm. His eyes flash.

"Okay. So maybe it isn't platonic," Nico smiles. My cheeks practically ache from grinning. "Uh, thanks. For...that."

"You're still as awkward as the first time we hooked up," I say. "But, thank you too, I suppose. How are you feeling?"

"Like I'm going to be sore," Nico sighs. "But I'm not as freaked out as I thought I would be."

"Give it a few hours," I snort.

Nico rolls his eyes. "Whatever, whatever," he whispers. We meet each other's eyes once more. After a few seconds, I lean over, and kiss him.

"I told myself I wouldn't fall for a guy," I utter, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear. "You ruined things."

"I told myself I would never fall for a jock," Nico says. "But here we are."

"Here we are," I repeat.

Nico's lip quivers slightly. "Is it worth it?"

I tilt my head. "What?"

"Trying to move on," Nico traces circles in the sheets. "I want you, Will. I'm sure of it."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "You may just be feeling...vulnerable. You'll come to find out that sex does that to you."

"Is this why you usually leave right after?"

"You're catching on," I nod.

"But you're not leaving now."

"How many times do I have to tell you? You're a special case." I brush my thumb under his eye. "Your eyeliner got messed up."

"Do you think a relationship between us is even possible?" He asks.

"See? Relationship talk," I sigh. "I can't, Nico. And who even needs relationships? They're just pushing the rules of a heteronormative society. People can hook up and have feelings for that person. I don't know why there has to be this crazy label."

"You know what I think?" Nico asks, tracing my collarbone.


"I think you're just scared," he whispers nonchalantly. "we could be different, y'know. I don't care how hard it is, Will, because I like you. I'm not asking for you to come out, or to tell the world. I'm asking if you could just be with me."

I press my lips together. "I want to be with you."

"But you aren't going to," Nico frowns.

I lower my head. "I just...can't."

"I understand," he says. Then, he places his hands on my cheeks, like he did in that room at the party. "For the record, you don't have to be scared. You aren't like your father. I know who you are."

Then, he turns, leans over to the lamp and turns it off, going to sleep. I sit in the darkness, stunned and confused.

   There is nothing like being forced to come out on a Sunday morning.

"Ow, Thalia, that's my foot," says a voice that breaks me out of my sleep. I sit up right away, and Nico does as well, as the mangled voices of two girls increases as they make it to the window. But it's too late for us to think of anything.

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