nico vi • getting along with your enemy

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To say the least, I wasn't expecting that.

I didn't really grasp onto the fact Will could be...sad. To be honest, I usually spend my time thinking all jocks (minus Percy) are as one-dimensional as they appear to be on the outside. But I guess no one is that simple. Not even Will.

He obviously seemed regretful after telling me all of that stuff. I chased after him, but by the time I made it outside, he was already gone. I didn't know what else to do so I walked back upstairs and entered the office, where the rest of the team was staring at me, waiting for an explanation.

I told them I was just as confused, and that I'd take over Will's work for the day.

"I'm sure he'll be back soon," I say. "This won't affect...the internship, will it?"

Drew crosses her arms. "It fucking should," she growls and walks out of the room.

"She'll calm down," Chris tells me, although he's unsure. "I hope."

   "Yeah," I frown, turning to my desk. I let my finger tap against the wood as thoughts creep into my mind. What if...what if he doesn't come back?

Maybe I was being crazy. But...

You always saw it growing up. Whispers about kids taking their own lives when their life can feel crushing. My foot begins bouncing off the floor. I have no way of contacting him to make sure he's okay. Then, a notification sound pops up in the seat next to me.

He didn't even take his phone. What if he gets hurt? What if he hurts himself, and then regrets it, and then...has no one to call.

The clock on the wall seems to be growing slower. But I can't do anything. And I know Will wouldn't even want me to do anything. Maybe I could drive by his house after work, drop off his phone, and quickly check if he was alright.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

As soon as work ends, I practically bolt out of the door, Will's phone in my pocket. But as soon as the wind hits me, I see Will leaning against his car, his face stone-cold. He looks at his fingernails nonchalantly, like he didn't just lose it a few hours ago.

   I come to a halt, gulp, and straighten up my back, tugging at my shirt. "H-hi."

   "Hi," he says back.

   "I have...your phone," I say awkwardly before remembering to dig in my pocket to retrieve the device. I pull it out and press it to his chest. He takes it out of my hands and stares at it with a disinterest. "I was going to drive by your house and drop it off. Wasn't going to steal it."

    Will nods. "Appreciate it."

    I nod back and chew my bottom lip. "So, uh, are you—"

   "I just came to make sure you were safe," Will pushes himself off of his car. "And walk you to your car. So we don't have to talk about what happened."

   "If that's what you want," I nod. Will takes my bag.

   "You...aren't going to mention anything I told you, right?" He asks as we walk to my car. "Because I was just..."

   "I-uh, I won't," I say. "But you owe me one."

   "So I do," he agrees.

   I clear my throat as I get to my car. "Get in."

   He squints his eyebrows and hands over my bag. "Huh?"

   "C'mon," I nudge. "This is your 'owe me one.'"

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