Chapter 17

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The boys continued to practice until Virgil's dad came to pick him up and he went home. Roman got his journal out to write about how his day went and plans for the party.

Dear Dad,
Today was the most glorious day! I had that friend over that I've been talking to you about. We're going to have another party, I hope he comes. He's a bit anxious about it, I can tell. I wish you could meet him he's really nice once you get to know him. Sometimes I wonder if you would be ok with me being gay. What would you have thought? I miss you dad, I know it's been years but...I don't think Remus has gotten any better since you've been gone. Ever since you left he's becoming more and
more of a trouble maker. But at least I'm recovering! I'm eating again much more and getting healthier! Are you proud of me dad? I hope that..if you were would be proud of us. I miss you dad and I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow hopefully.

Meanwhile, in Remus's room he was also getting ready for the party. He opened his drawers and emptied his pockets. There on top of the drawers were LSD and little bottles of tequila shots. He stuffed them in his drawers and laid back on his bed. He took out his cigarette and lighter and lit his weed up. His mom wouldn't be able to smell it over his 5 week old trash and laundry. Especially if he sprayed his very own perfume, pickled poo logs. He put on his headphones and played "Cult of Dionysus" by The Orion Experience. Then got up and started dancing a bit.
"I'm feelin devious. You're lookin glamorous. Let's get mischievous. And polyamorous. Wine and women and wonderful vices. Welcome to the cult of Dionysus." He sang softly to himself while smoking and dancing.

Virgils drive home was uneventful. They mostly just talked about how school went and what they were gonna eat for dinner. Quinn greeted them when they got home from their kitchen island where he was doing homework.
"Hi dad, hey Vi. What's for dinner I'm hungry."
"Chicken and rice tonight. Why don't you get out the rice for me kiddo." Their dad asked and Quinn got up to get the rice.

About an hour later, dinner was ready.
"Hey dad..?" Vi asked.
"What's up buddy." He responded.
"Um, there's gonna be a party at Roman's house tomorrow night. I was wondering if I could go?"
"What kind of party will it be?" He asked curiously.
"Just a small one with a few friends." Virgil picked at his food.
"Well, I don't see why not then. What time," His dad noticed this and took note.  "Full bites, Vi."
"Huh? Oh yeah sorry," He took a bite and continued after he finished chewing. "I think he said 6pm? I'll text him later."
"Sounds like a plan, kiddo." They continued with dinner and Virgil decided to text his friends since he didn't have homework.

EmoNightmare🕷🕸: hey anyone up?

Princy: you just left my house 🤣

Trashrat🐀🗑: im stoned

Princy: yeah sure, ignore him he's an idiot

Trashrat🐀🗑: I love you too brother 💓❤️💚💖💝❤️

EmoNightmare🕷🕸: ok then we'll im just bored

Janjanthescienceman: remus come over now

Trashrat🐀🗑: no❤️

Janjanthescienceman: remus..

Trashrat🐀🗑: ok

Janus set down his phone and got some medicine and water for Remus when he came over. A few minutes later he was there, stoned as ever and without pants. Janus facepalmed and brought him inside.
" gotta stop this." Jan sat him down on the bed and handed him the water.
"I know, I know. But its just so fun," Re laid back and tried to drink the water but splashed it on his face. "Oh."
Janus sighed and got a towel, cleaning up his friends mess.
"Did you really walk here without pants? Or did you loose them on the way."
"Pants are just, like, so holding me back. I need to be free, ya know?" Re threw his hands in the air.
"You're an idiot and you gotta stop with the drugs, man," Janus handed him some meds. "Here, you'll have a headache later."
"Janus?" Remus asked.
"Yeah what?" He responded.
"'s not important," Re sat up and took the meds. "So we're having a party tomorrow night. You coming?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna have to keep your dumbass in check." Janus laughed a bit and Re smiled.
"Good luck, my dear friend."
"Thanks, I'll need it." Janus laughed again.
"Can I stay here tonight? I don't wanna be home right now.." Remus seemed to trail off in his words as he stared at the ceiling.
"Sure. But you gotta get outta here early, my mom will be home early tomorrow morning so no sleeping in. No matter how bad your head hurts, k?"
"Thank you." Re smiled and they set up a little fort on Jan's floor for Remus to sleep in. But eventually Remus woke up.
"Jan," Remus shook his friend awake. "I had nightmare can I sleep with you."
"We're in the same- fine." Janus sighed and Remus smiled happily climbing into bed and cuddling close to Jan's chest. He liked listening to his heartbeat and feeling the warmth. It was soothing and he quickly feel back to sleep.

Everyone was asleep now. Virgil sleeps quietly with headphones blaring Evanescence. Patton clinged to his pillow, longing for some sort of hug. Logan slept quietly with soft music in the background. Roman slept with a face mask on and hugging a teddy bear. And of course Remus and Janus cuddled close in bed.

AN: I'm really sorry but these updates are gonna be slower. I went though a really bad breakup and honestly I still kinda miss him. He wasn't very nice to me though so yeah heheh...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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