Chapter 14

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TW: Bullying, depressive episode, the f-word, homophobia, death threat.

A/N: I did bleep the word but it is said multiple times. If you cannot handle it I'm gonna put a summary at the end so you can know what happened and don't have to suffer.

'Fuck yeah, Friday!' Was Virgils first thought when we woke up. Once he got dressed he went downstairs. His was there with Quinn.
"Uhhh, hey?" Virgil nervously walked over to the kitchen island, not used to having his dad there in the morning.
"Hey there, buddy I made you breakfast!" His dad cheered happily as he placed a plate in front of Virgil and Quinn. It was eggs, hash browns, and sausage.
"Now you don't have to eat all of it, but I'd like you to at least eat the eggs or sausage for protein." Their dad sat down and started on his own plate.
Virgil took a deep breath and began to eat his eggs. Once finished he realized he was still hungry so he started on the sausage. After that he started to get full.
"I-I think I'm done, I'm sorry." He stuttered out as he placed his hands on his lap.
"Alrighty, I'm proud of you Virge. And you don't have to apologize, you haven't done anything wrong." Their dad gave a chuckle and took up Virgils plate and started on the dishes.
Virgil grabbed his bag with a content sigh and a smile.
'Wait. This is the happiest I've ever been. Holy shit.'
"Yo, Virge, you good? You've been just standing at the doorway and staring at nothing for like 3 minutes straight." Quinn looked over at him with a fork still i his mouth.
"Huh? Oh yeah, just thinking. I'm ok, I'm just happy."
"Weird way to be happy." Quinn went back to his food and Virgil remembered he was supposed to ask his dad if he could go to Romans after school.
"Oh, hey dad? So I'm trying out for a part in our upcoming play and a friend from class offered to help me with my lines. I was wondering if I could go over to their house after school? They're a car rider too so I'd just take his car with his mom." Virgil nervously asked, still standing in the doorway.
"Hm, alright Virgil but if anything goes wrong call me. Just text me when you need to be picked up. See you tonight!" And with that Virgil left for the bus.
Patton, Logan, and Roman sat with him on the bus.
"Alright I have a few things to say." Virgil abruptly announced.
"Well someones confident today. I'm not sure how to feel about it."
Roman laughed softly as he placed his bag in his lap.
"Ok, one why doesn't your brother take the bus with you?" Virgil gave him a confused look and the bus driver took a sharp inhale.
"That kid! Oh. My. God. He started a fire on the bus! And he wouldn't stop drawing crude pictures on the windows with sharpie! And he let rabid squirrels loose! Three kids had to go to the hospital!" The driver yelled in an annoyed tone.
"Yeaahh, he's got kind of a reputation." Roman looked away with a nervous laugh.
"As he would say if he were here, a reputation to uphold." Logan spoke in his same monotone voice which made Patton giggle. Pattons little laugh made Logan smile and Virgil and Roman exchanged smirks.
"Anyways, guess who ate breakfast today." Virgil them finger guns with a smirk.
"Huh? All of us hopefully? You ok, kiddo?" Patton looked over confused and Virgils face turned to immediate panic.
"Hey, Virge, it's alright. They'll understand. Well maybe not Logan, he's an asshole." Roman shrugged his shoulders and Logan glared at him.
"You are so childish, Roman Prince."
"Wait you're last name is actually Prince? Wow." Virgil looked amazed and trying to change the subject.
"Told ya I was a prince." Roman did a weird thing with his hands again.
"Oh yeah and my dad said I can come over after school, you're moms driving us right?" Virgil panicked a bit thinking he had gotten it wrong.
"Splendid! And mhm, she is. Unfortunately you'll have to deal with my dumbass brother." Roman rolled his eyes.
"At least he knows more facts than you. And he's a lot cuter." Logan mumbled the last part so it was inaudible to the others.
Unfortunately for him, Patton heard him.
"That's true." Pat looked off with stary eyes and resting his chin in his hand.
"Padre! I can not believe you'd take that nerds side over mine." Roman placed a hand on his chest and acted all offended.
"Chill, princy. You'll be fine, it's not a big deal." Virgil rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Oh, no sorry kiddo. I was talking about something else Logie said. You probably didn't hear, he said-"
Logan put a hand over Pattons mouth almost immediately and blushed lightly.
"Patton, I would advise you to not repeat my words. If they did not hear it, then it was not important."
"Nope. Nothing of importance happened, let it go."
"Let it go~ let it go~ can't hold it back anymore~ let it go~ let it go-" Roman immediately started singing and a kid throw a paper ball at him.
"Shut up, f*g!" Some kid from the back shouted. Roman just rolled his eyes and took a deep breath.
"I'm such a dumbass." Roman sighed  and opened up the paper since it probably had something written on it.
"What? The fuck- no you're not! You were just being yourself, theres nothing wrong with that! Plus it's not like were in class or disrupting anything. And you sounded amazing so these people should be fucking cheering for you!" Virgil protested and looked down at the open note.

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