Chapter 6

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TW: Bullying

After awhile they checked the time and realized they had been talking almost the whole hour.
"Oh! It's almost time for our next class," Roman said looking at his phone. "What class do you have next?"
"Uh," Virgil looked at his schedule. "Biology."
"Oh, I've got Chemistry." Roman disappointingly said. "Can I walk you to class, it's on the same floor?"
"Um...sure? I'm not really sure where'd I'd be going anyway."
"Splendid! We should get going. But first," Roman took out a piece of paper and a pen. "Here. It's my number. If you ever get bored or me."
Virgil took that paper and his heart lifted.
"Th-thanks." He said, surprised.
They both met up with Patton and Logan, as they were also going to Chemistry with Roman. They headed up the stairs and said bye to one and other.
Virgil was super anxious since this would be his first class without anyone he knew. He felt so alone for some reason. He had barely known Patton, Logan, and Roman but he felt safer with them for some reason. He walked into the classroom and took a seat in the back. About a minute later another kid with some sort of scar walked in and started walking towards Virgil. Virgil hadn't noticed since he already had his headphones on. The boy coughed and Virgil jumped.
"Hello there." The boy with the scar said fancily.
"U-uh h-hi?" Virgil nervously replied.
"You're in my home room, correct?" The boy sat down in the chair next to Virgils.
"I-I think so." Virgil said still confused.
"My name is Janus." He reached out a hand for Virgil. Virgil shook his gloved hand.
Suddenly, someone threw a paper ball at their table. Janus picked it up.
"I-I'm sorry that's probably my fault I-"
"No." Janus unfolded the paper and showed it to Virgil. It was Janus as a snake with words at the bottom. They read 'snake boy'.
"Snake....boy?" Virgil asked confused.
Janus pointed to his scar and tapped it twice.
"Ohhh." Virgil said, finally understanding.
"Why would you think it was to you?" Janus asked.
"Well I mean, look at me. I'm the perfect target." Other than the fact that he was bullied at his old school.
"Meh. Maybe, but you don't have a giant scar on your face that looks like snake skin." Janus laughed a little and Virgil smiled a bit feeling a little more comfortable. Could this be a good year? Or, at least rest of the year since it was February.
The class started soon after that.
Meanwhile in Chemistry Roman, Patton, and Logan took their seats.
"Hey, Logan. We've known each other for a long time now, right?" Patton asked.
"Correct. It was 3rd grade when we met. That was 8 years, 4 months, and 2 hours ago." Logan replied.
The other two looked at him in shock.
"I was going to say then we must have a lot of chemistry, but now I'm just in shock."
"Patton you make that joke once a week, I had to say something to get you to stop." Logan said pressing the temple of his head.
"You two would make a great couple." A girl said walking by.
"What!?" Logan yelled sharply.
"Ooo, guys! We should add Virgil to the group chat!" Patton yelled excitedly.
"So are we just going to ignore that or-" Roman asked confused.
"Yes, I believe that would be adequate as he is now part of our group. We just need to acquire his cell phone number." Logan explained.
"Well, I gave him my number if that helps." Roman called out.
"When did you have time to do that? Was it during lunch, I told you Virgil should have his alone time to decompress the day." Logan said.
"Ok geez, whatever mom!" Roman dramatically exclaimed.
"Well, I suppose it was a good thing you stayed. Otherwise we probably would've had less of a chance of getting Virgils cell phone number." Logan calmly told them. 
"Just say phone number, geez." Roman said annoyed
Just then Roman heard a buzz from his phone.

'Hey this is virgil, i met this kid named you know him by any chance?'

"Friendos! Look who just texted me!" Roman shouted in excitement.
The other two looked over at Romans phone. Patton smiled and Logan pushed up his glasses. 
"Adequate. Now you can send me and Patton Virgils cell phone number and we can add him to the group chat."
As soon as Logan finished he statement the teacher got up from her desk and started teaching.
Roman and Patton kept trying to talk but Logan kept shushing them.

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