Chapter 4

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TW: Panic Attack

Chapter 4

They all sat down in desks in a line of each other. Virgil noticed a few people who looked odd to him. For one there was a kid with some sort of mark on his face and a hat on. Another kid was wearing an outfit that made him look like a prince. But more of a dark prince since his outfit was mostly black and green. Then there was a kid with sunglasses inside and he had a drink on his desk. From the looks of it, it looked like coffee. And the last kid wore a pink tie and a sweater. He had a notepad out already.
The teacher soon walked in and made a few announcements.
"Good morning class."
"Good morning Mrs. Newberry." The class replied.
"Remember to please turn in your homework by the end of class. And as were on about announcements, we have a new student today! Would you like to introduce yourself?" She asked.
Virgil violently shook his head 'no' but the teacher insisted that he did. Virgil stood up, shaking a lot.
"Uh-um I-I'm-"
"This is Vee, he just moved here. It's probably best to not put him on the spot. He's got the first day jitters." Patton stood up and told everyone. Virgil put his hoodie on his head and placed his head on the desk.
"Thank you, Patton. But I was asking Virgil."
"Virgil?" Patton asked with a confused look.
"Yes, well, I was hoping he would introduce himself, but he seems to be uncooperative."
Patton sat down and looked at Virgil with a confused look. Virgil didn't look up. He felt so embarrassed and his leg was shaking. Roman put his his shoulder.
"You ok, Panic! At The Everywhere?"
"I-I'm fine." Virgil replied
"Hey kiddo it's ok. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. But don't worry, we'll make sure you're first day will be great!" Patton smiled and patted Virgil on the head.
"Yes, as Patton said, we will try to make sure you can get through the day. Everything should go smoothly as I cannot think of anything that could go wrong." Logan joined in.
"I can think of a few." Virgil said lifting his head up.
"Can you name some?" Logan asked.
"I could fall and make a fool of myself, people could make fun of how I look, I'm the new kid and people will probably hate me because I'm not what their used to, I don't have anything in common with anyone at this school, I'm surrounded by snotty rich kids-" Virgil paused and looked at them.
"N-Not that you guys are, ah gosh I'm already messing things up. You guys are being nice to me and I don't even know why I'm just some weird kid who took your seat and now I'm messing it up and-"
"Virgil." Logan said, snapping Virgil back into reality.
"Y-Yeah." He replied.
"We don't hate you. And I do not believe anyone else does. They are most likely too busy dealing with school than worrying about other people. Most of these people aren't even going to know you're new. This is a big school with a lot of people worrying about themselves. Everything will be ok. If you were to fall, you would fall and that would be it. Though if you are physically hurt I recommend you visit the nurses office." Logan explained.
"And I may not know you that well, but I sure do care for you!" Patton added.
"You shall never fear, for your hero is here!" Roman exclaimed doing some weird thing with his hands.
"T-Thank you." Virgil didn't know what else to say. He still had his guard up of course, but he did feel a little safer.
They class ended a little while after that and they went to their next classes.
"Well, Logan and I have to get to History, but we'll see you guys at lunch later!" Patton told them and they headed off to class.
"So, what class do you have next?" Roman asked.
"Um..." Virgil looked in his bag for his schedule. "I have theater."
"You take theater too!? Theater is amazing isn't it, I love to act and to sing on the stage while all eyes are on me!" Roman exclaimed.
"I mostly just like to be a backstage techie. Away from people and so no one will notice me."
"Oh, I see." Roman said, a little disappointed. "Well, it'll still be great to have the emo nightmare around." Roman smiled and they both headed off to theater.
When they got there they were greeted by another boy. One of the kids from homeroom.
"Hello brother." The boy smirked evilly.
"Hello, dukey. What do you want?" Roman scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Just wanted to say hi to my brother jeez, as always you're so dramatic." The Remus guy then rolled his eyes and smiled, looking at Virgil. "Who is this creepy cookie?"
"His name is Virgil and he doesn't want to hang out with you!" Roman said angrily.
"What-ever, Mrs. Harmon is announcing the musical we're going to put on today so hurry up." Remus walked away from the two.
"So you have a brother?" Virgil asked.
"Unfortunately. Twins, actually. But of course I'm the pretty one." Roman replied. Virgil rolled his eyes and smiled.
They sat down on the stage with the other kids and waited for there teacher to get up and announce the play.
After about 10 minutes of her being on her phone she finally got up and spoke.
"Hello, students! As you all know, last weeks play went splendidly! And you all summited amazing musical ideas and scripts. You all did an amazing job, but the script that won is..." There was a pause before she announced winner.
"What's going on?" Virgil whispered Roman.
"Oh! A few weeks ago we all wrote scripts in groups of 2-5 and submitted them to Mrs. Harmon. And now she's deciding whose we're going to preform." Roman whispered eagerly back.
"Oh. That's...creative."
"A Gay Disney Prince!" She finally announced.
Virgil was somewhat surprised when he heard the tittle. A gay Disney Prince? Is this school accepting.
Romans eyes immediately lit up as he was one of the 4 people who wrote it. Along with his friends Thomas, Terrence, and Valerie.
"Now, I know you're all wondering what it's about and how it unfolds, so today we will be reading the script. Why don't we have the writers read for us?" Mrs. Harmon announced. And they did so for the rest of the class.

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