Chapter 9

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TW: mention of bulimia, anorexia

Chapter 9

The teacher collected homework and the class passed by pretty quickly. Roman and Virgil headed off to theater while Logan and Patton headed to history.
"I genuinely do not know how we ended up in the same history class, Patton. I suppose you do know a lot about that particular subject." Logan said walking with Patton to class.
"Hehe, yeahhh. I like history, it's important so we don't make past mistakes." Patton skipped cheerfully.
"Yes, well unfortunately most people do not learn from those mistakes and we aren't learning about important history going on right now." Logan sits down and looks at the invisible camera.
"Logie? Lo, who are you looking at?" Patton started waving to where his friend was looking.
"Nothing, Patton. Please sit down and get your books out for class." Logan sat the hyper boy down.
"Okie!" He got out his books and he was greeted by his friend Emile.
"Hey, Pat! Hey, Lo!" Emile waved at the two boys. Patton waved back and Logan gave a nod. Logan wasn't a huge fan of Emile because of his silly references but did appreciate his attire and knowledge of mental health. Something Logan could never really grasp.
"Hey, Em! How are you? Did you get your homework done?" Patton called out. They continued on with the conversation getting Logan a bit annoyed and...jealous? He stuck his nose in a book to get himself out of his silly thoughts. No time for those kind of problems, have to focus on school.
Meanwhile Roman was trying to get Virgil to try out for a part in the play.
"C'mon virgggee! You'd be perfect for that part!" Roman whined trying to hand the script.
"Yeah, the villain, perfect part for me." Virgil crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
"I didn't mean it like that. You're just always so dark and sinister. You're a creepy cookie!" Roman argued.
"I don't wanna play the bad guy, princy. I'd rather just be the usual techie, thanks." He gave a sarcastic thumbs up and a fake smile.
"He gets a redemption! You haven't even read the script yet!" Roman crossed his arms.
"Ugh fine, I'll try out for it. But if I don't get the part I'm not reading it." Virgil took the script from Roman.
"Yes! Thank you." Roman went in for hug but Virgil pulled away.
"S-sorry, just not used to hugs 'n stuff." Virgil put up more finger guns and Roman nodded.
"That's alright. I'm just so exited you're trying out for the play." Roman smiled brightly and squealed like a 12 year old girl.
"Geez." Virgil went over onto the stage and read part of the script and groaned. Was he supposed to practice now? At home? After school? He had never tried out for a part before.
"Roooommmeeyyy!! I'm trying out for the evil henchman. Here's my evil laugh nehehehehehhehehehe!! How's that!" Remus said screaming in Romans ear.
"Sounds like you're regular laugh." Roman rolled his eyes and groaned.
"Whatever, Romano, it sounded great." Remus stuck his tongue out at him and Roman did the same.
"You two are so chaotic, it's unbearable." Janus said fixing his hat.
"Nah, he's just boring." Remus smirked pridefully looking up with his arms crossed.
"nAh He'S jUsT bOrInG," Roman mocked. "You're face is boring!"
"You have the same face." Janus sighed and face palmed, really over their shit.
Class went on and the bell finally rang and remus whacked Roman in the back of his head before leaving.
"Love you, bro! Haha!"
Roman headed off to the lunchroom to get his lunch. On his way out he decided to grab Virgil an apple.
"Hey Ro! Oooo two apples?" Patton looked at Roman's tray as he walked pass Logan and him.
"It's for Virgil, I'm kinda worried about it so I'm bringing him a bit of food." He replied rolling his eyes before leaving to go see Virgil outside.
"Hello there evil prince!" Roman yelled to Virgil, taking a small bow.
"Hey, princy." He rolled his eyes and smirked.
"So, I brought you an apple." Roman handed Virgil the apple but he pushed it away.
"U-uh, thanks. I'm not really that hungry though."
"Virge, is everything ok."
"Yeah why wouldn't it be?"
"Then can you please eat the apple? At least some of it?" Roman made puppy eyes and tried handing the apple to Virgil again.
"Fine.." Virgil sighed and took the apple. He started picking at it and putting some pieces in his pocket.
"Virgil, I know you're picking at it to make it look like you're eating it."
Virgil stayed silent and stopped picking at the apple.
"Breathe, it's ok I promise. Just take one small bite at a time, ok?" Roman places a hand on Virgils and have him a soft smile.
"O-ok." He hesitated but eventually took a small bite.
"Good job, I'm proud of you." Roman smiled and took a bite of his own apple. Virgil shared a smile with him and took another small bite feeling himself get hungrier.
"Can I ask you a personal question?"
"When was the last time you ate before you threw up last night? Be honest." Roman looked him in the eyes and Virgil stayed silent for a moment looking down at the apple.
"Before last night? I think maybe a week? I dunno." Virgil fiddled with the apple.
"And last night, you weren't really sick. You threw up because you ate?"
" wasn't on purpose though it just kinda..happened."
"It's because you hadn't eaten in awhile, you must've eaten too much for your body to handle and it wasn't used to it."
"Hey how come you know so much about this? You're being a nerd like Logan." Virgil looked up at him and Roman bite his lip.
"Because about a year ago I had anorexia. And I'm still trying to recover. It's a process, but I'm getting there."
It was quiet for a moment and Virgil's shoulders relaxed themselves for almost the first time ever.
"Oh. I don't really know what else to say." Virgil looked back down at the apple, fiddling with it.
"You don't have to Virge. Just try taking a small bite of the apple."
Virgil does as asked and then looks down at the apple, tearing up. He throws the apple across the field.
"I know it's hard, but it will get better. And I'll be here to help, Vee." Roman smiled a soft smile at him. Virgil couldn't speak, he just pulled roman into a deep hug and started crying.
"Ahh- Virge? You ok?" Roman hesitantly hugged back.
"I'm great." Virgil sobbed out, clinging onto him.

AN: I'm Angsty

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