Chapter 11

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TW: Remus being Remus lmao, slight panic attack over food

Class ended and Virgil went to his next class which he had with Patton and Remus. So he walked with Patton to class and Remus met up with him.
"Hey are you fucking my brother?" Remus blurted out to Virgil.
"Remus! Language! That's gross!" Patton slapped Remus's arm a bit.
"Jesus fucking christ, why!?" Virgil face palmed himself and was trying to hold himself back from punching Re in the face.
"What? You guys hang out a lot." Remus shrugged his shoulders.
"Ok, maybe let's not talk about this and Virgil let's work on the language, alright?" Patton laughed nervously as they walked into class.
"Yeah, Virgil what the fuck?" Remus laughed and took his seat as Patton face palmed.
Meanwhile in Romans history class, he and Remy were gossiping about Remys new crush and how one of the teachers just got through with a divorce.
"Hun, did you hear about Ms. Parker? Oh. My. God. Her husband split with her. And he took the kids too." Remy said taking a sip of his coffee gayly.
"No fucking way. It's no wonder though, isn't she kind of an asshole?" Roman asked, intrigued.
"Yeah, I have her for second period. She's such a bitch, always had been."
"Wait I think Virgil has her. I hope he's ok."
"Oooo, who's this Virgil boy, Romie?" Remy teased and smiled.
"Chill Rem, he's just a friend. He's cute and all, but he doesn't like me like that. Plus I'm pretty sure he's straight anyways." Roman held up his hands in defense.
"Doesn't matter, do YOU like him or not?"
"I-uh-huh, I don't really know."
"Babe, thats not a straight answer."
"Oh well, deal with it. I'm not straight."
Their teacher started talking and Roman turned around to pay attention.
Meanwhile in Patton, Virgil, and Remus's math class, the teacher left them alone to do what they want.
"Janus is pretty hot not gonna lie. You're cute too Patton. Oh. My. God. And Logan! I'd love to grab that nerd by his tie and-" Remus bursted out randomly.
"Ok Re! Let's focus on our work, okay?" Patton chimed in to keep it clean for the kiddos.
"Sure thing, daddy~" He winked at him and Patton slammed his face into a book while blushing. Virgil laughed a bit and looked over at Remus.
"You got something to confess, dumbass?" Vee smirked and laughed some more.
"Hey! The house was on fire when I got there!" Remus through his hands in the air defensively.
"That's not what I-what?" Virgil looked at him worriedly and Remus laughed evilly.
"I'm just kidding, tickle me emo! I'm polyamorous UwU." Remus took a bow.
"Di-did you just say "UwU" and great, you're doing the nickname thing too." Virgil face palmed just completely done with Remus's dumbassery.
Remus just laughed and went back to his work. Although it wasn't long before he tore it up and stuffed it in his bag.
"Just gonna burn that later."
"No you're not, and Logans gonna make you do your work and you know it." Patton responded to Re's comment, not looking up from his paper.
"Why? You gonna punish me if I don't~" Remus wiggled his eyebrows and smirked.
"How old are you?" Virgil added to the weird conversation.
"I'm gonna sleep now." Remus slammed his head on the desk and went right to sleep.
"What the fuck?" Virgil jumped at the loud sound and was still confused.
"He does this a lot, you get used to it." Patton giggled and patted Remus's head.
Finally it was time to leave and they all walked out. Patton had to take the bus so Remus and Virgil walked to the car riders place and met up with Roman.
"Ro, I think you're brother burnt a house down."
"Again!? Jesus, Re mom is gonna be PISSED!" Roman groaned and rolled his head back in annoyance.
"Yeah yeah, whatever it was just a joke...for now." He smiled evilly and fiddled with his fingers.
Virgil stood there in shock for a moment.
"What do you mean again!?" He finally blurted out.
"Long story I'll-" Roman began but was cut off by the sound of a car horn. Virgils dad waved out the window and Virgil waved to his new friends goodbye and got in the car.
"Soooo, who are you're new friends, kiddo?" His dad asked with a smile.
"The green one is Remus and the Red one is Roman." Virgil said taking out his phone as he heard it beep. It was a text from Roman

Roman: Hello there my chemically imbalanced romance!

Virgil: I literally just saw you?

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