Chapter 15

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TW: Remus being remus again, Remus-just Remus. Dear sanders, beware of Remus in this chapter. Also bullying and panic episodes and Mention of past abuse.

"Where were you? You're eyes are red and puffy. Were you crying?" Virgil asked worriedly as the twins walk in 15 minutes late for class.
"Oh yeah, he was getting high as fuck in the bathroom, lol." Remus jumped in and snorted.
"What-no I was not getting high and you know that, Remus!" Roman shouted at his brother and Remus laughed.
"You ok though, Ro?" Virgil looked at his friend with worried eyes.
"I'm ok, well I'm not but I'll be ok." Roman gave a soft smile and starting working on set designs with a couple of artists. He himself was an artist but he just had to make the designs. Design the costumes, sets, the story, and help everyone with their lines. It's already a lot of work. Not to mention of course he was going to try out for the lead role.
Despite saying he was ok, Virgil still kept an eye on Roman and checked up on him every now and again. He looked at the costumes and he was really liking the villain one. It was purple and black, had a really cool cape that had points on the end like a batman cape. There were pointed shoulder pads that stuck up which would normally be tacky but it looked nice. The best piece of the costume was the crown. It was a deep purple with even darker purple jewels. He tried to touch it but someone immediately smacked his hand. It was Janus.
"Don't touch that!" He whisper shouted and smacked Virgil's hand away.
"Ahh- s-sorry! I'm sorry, won't happen again." He calmed himself down when we saw it was just Janus.
"It's fine, just be careful these costumes aren't finished and I need to fix them up a bit so they stay in place." Janus took out a needle and some string and started fixing up another costume.
"Pfft, you do costumes? I would not have guessed that." Virgil laughed a bit and smirked at his friend.
"I could act, but if I were to preform the shows would go to shit." Janus said, not looking up from his work.
"Hm? I doubt that would happen." Virgil looked at him with a confused face.
"My face, Virgil. People would be upset if they saw my face on stage. So I prefer to work on the costumes. Also, who else would work on them?" Janus scoffed and moved onto another costume.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Virgil messed the strings on his jacket.
"Don't apologize, you didn't know," Janus kept his eyes on his work and the bell rang. "Damn it, I was almost finished. But I gotta eat and I don't want to ruin the costumes. Would you like to join me and Remus for lunch, Virgil?"
"I, um, I usually eat with Roman. I'll have to ask him first." Virgil pulled out his phone and texted him.

Virgil: Hey is it ok if I eat with remus and janus today..?

Roman: ew, but yeah its your decision. Just make sure to eat some okay

Virgil: dont worry i will

He shoves his phone back in his pocket and grabbed his things.
"He said it's ok."
"How did you have to ask him?" Janus said putting up his kit and packing his bag.
"Oh, um, I dunno I guess i just felt bad if I just didn't show up with no explanation."
"He's not hurting you is he?"
"What? No, of course not he's a great friend."
"Oh you guys are still friends? I thought you would've gone out by now."
Virgil just rolled his eyes and they walked out together, meeting up with Remus. They all sat down in the Library together after Janus and Remus got their food from the cafe.
"How come you eat in here, sorry that was probably a rude question." Virgil picked at his food and took small bites.
"Oh the people just love our company in the cafeteria. We're just too popular that we have to sit in the library where it's quiet and away from people." Janus took a sip of his drink while remus sloppily ate his lunch while staring at them.
"Oh, got it." Virgil said taking a sip of water and a deep breath.
"Remus stop, you're making a mess." Janus looked over at his chaotic friend and set down his own food.
"Awww but I like making messes. Especially making a mess of you, snakey." Remus laughed evilly and Janus blushed, hiding himself in his hat.
"Are you guys dating?" Virgil spoke up looking over at them.
"Oh, I wish! But I like other people." Remus shrugged his shoulders and went back to his food.
"Oh that would be absolutely wonderful having to take care of a chaotic rat 24/7," Janus said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. "Why is the only thing we ever talk about boys and problems? We sound like 12 year old girls."
"Well, I talk about other things too sometimes. Well...with Roman." Virgil whispered the last part and picked at his food more and taking a few bites.
"I swear you two are so oblivious. What kind of things, Virgil." Janus looked at him with curious eyes.
"Musicals, life, Disney, hopes and dreams, passions, ya now stuff."
"Sounds like he just talks about himself a lot." Remus said with a mouthful of...whatever is was he was eating.
"Well, I don't really like talking but we do talk about Disney and musicals together. I don't really like talking about myself," Virgil laughed nervously and pushed his food away, taking a deep breath. "Ok, I think I ate enough. I'm done."
"Um, ok? I don't know why you're telling us that." Janus continued to eat and Remus looked over at Virgil suspiciously.
"Hey emo, do you have that eating disorder thing Roman had?" Remus blurted out.
"Remus, what the fuck, you don't just ask people that!" Janus whisper yelled at him.
"You don't have to answer that Virgil, Remus is just very blunt sometimes. You've eaten well, ok. Everything's ok." Janus placed a hand on Virgils shoulder.
"O-ok." He took another deep breath and played with his hoodie strings.
After they finished eating the bell finally rang and they went to class. Janus and Virgil had another class together and Remus had a class alone.
"Oh god, it's Ms. Bitch," Janus sighed as they walked into class and took their seats. "Um, that's not Ms. Bitch. Thank god we have a sub."
The lady in the front of the room smelled like strawberries and she had a beautiful yellow flowing loose dress on. Her hair was a perfect shade of of golden brown and her lips were a beautiful pink. Freckles spread across her face and she smiled.
"Hello class, my names Mrs. Picani!" She wrote her name on the board and passed out a paper.
"Oh my god that's Emiles mom." Janus whispered to Virgil.
"Who's Emile?" Virgil whispered back.
"This really nice kid he's like a therapist and a total mom."
"Oh, well that explains his mom, I guess."
"Good afternoon, I'm passing out a paper right now telling you a bit about me. On the back is a coloring page too. I'm just a stand in because they couldn't find a substitute for this particular class. So we're going to watch the lion king. It's good to take a break once in awhile anyways," She said passing a paper around and then putting on the movie. "Please do not have your phones out. If you must talk, please do so quietly. You can color and watch the movie. If you would like to talk about anything at all come talk to me."
"She seems...nice." Virgil whispered to his friend and started coloring just cause.
"Look, the emo virgins coloring. How pathetic, he's such a baby. Go ahead and cry emo baby virgin." A bully whisper yelled across the room to him. Virgil pushed his paper away and Mrs. Picani stood up.
"Excuse me young man, that wasn't very nice. Please apologize." She said standing over his desk.
"Why? Look at him, he's pathetic!"
She walked over and called security. They took him out and he went to the principal's.
"Can you come with me, kiddo?" She beckoned Virgil and they walked into a spare classroom alone.
"I'm sorry about that kid, does this happen a lot?" She asked as she sat down.
"U-um, y-yes I'm sorry!" He nervously stood there shaking a bit and playing with his hoodie strings again.
"Hey hey, it's ok. Why don't you take a seat and tell me your name." She gave him a soft smile and folded her hands.
"M-my name's Virgil." He took a seat in front of her and continued with his hoodie strings.
"It's nice to meet you Virgil. I actually used to be a therapist but unfortunately we had to move. It's ok to talk to me, I wouldn't tell anyone." She gave him another soft smile.
"Um..well I-I just moved here too." He stuttered out, giving a weak smile.
"Oh that's so interesting, where'd you move from?" She placed a hand under her chin with a bright face.
"Um, ********* I live with my dad now." He fiddled with his thumbs and started thinking to himself.
'Why did I just say that! She didn't need to know! Why would she even care! Ugh I'm being selfish by talking about my problems and wasting her time.'
"How come you live with your dad now? Usually the mom gets custody." She laughed at her statement but she knew the mom must've done something bad to not gain custody.
"U-Um, well I don't know if I should say. I'm sorry." Virgil's breath started getting heavier and shorter.
"Hey, hey, breathe in for 5, hold for 6, and out for another 5, ok? Don't worry everything will be ok. If you're not comfortable telling me, that is perfectly ok." Mrs. Emile stood up and walked over to him and helped him breathe. Virgil took deep breaths until they were back to normal and she sat back down.
"S-so my mom kinda hit us a lot and drank a bunch of alcohol and cut off communications with our dad a few years ago,-" He yelled out in a panic and covered his mouth quickly. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said all that."
"Why not?" Mrs. Emile asked softly.
"Cause it's a waste of your time, I shouldn't talk about my problems because someone else probably needs it more and-"
"No ones problems are worse than the others," She cut him off "We all go through problems and they all matter equally. And you're not wasting anyones time at all, I want to help you."
"O-ok. Are you sure?"
"Positive. Now why don't you tell me about what happened at your moms?" She pulled out a clipboard and pen and gave him a smile.
"Thank you, well..." He gave a smile back and they talked about his past home life until the bell rang.
"Thank you for talking with me kiddo, I'm glad you got to vent it's very healthy and it seems you've been keeping that bottled up for awhile. Remember to take deep breaths, eat some food, put down your phone after 10, and drink plenty of water. Have a great day, darling!" She helped him pack up and went back to the original classroom.
"Thank you Mrs. Emile." They waved goodbye and Virgil met up with Patton, Janus, Logan, and Roman.
"Why were you gone so long?" Janus immediately asked as soon as he saw Virgil.
"Mrs. Emile used to be a therapist. So she let me talk about some things." He replied shyly and shrugged his shoulders.
"Oh that's great kiddo! It's very healthy to talk about things." Patton jumped in while Janus and Logan walked off to their next class.
"I'm proud of you Virge, how'd you eat today?" Roman whispered and smiled.
"I ate half of my food, you?" Virgil whispered back.
"Task fully completed," He whisper yelled and went to his class. "Bye V, bye Pat!"
"Bye Roro!" Patton responded.
"See ya, Princy." Virgil smiled and they met up with Remus as they walked to their next class.
"What up, losers!" Remus yelled and ran over to them.
"That's not very nice, kiddo." Patton gave him a stern look and Remus smirked.
"Sorry daddy, I've been naughty.~"
Patton just blushed and walked into class without a word.
"And that, my emo friend, is how you make Patton shut up. But he is daddy though, let's be honest." Remus whispered to Virgil.
"Remus, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, but what the fuck. That is the second time." Virgil stared at him and Remus just laughed while they sat down at their desks.
"Oh! Logan is also a total daddy. Like damn, gimme a tall glass of hot nerd!" Remus blurted out in class and Patton slammed his head on his desk while still blushing.
"I swear, all you ever talk about Patton, Logan, and Jan." Virgil held his head in his head.
"Not true! I also talk about arson, serial killers, and gay shit!" Remus crossed his arms and pouted.
"Remus, shut up or you're getting another detention Monday." The teacher called out to him in a monotone voice, already used to his shit.
"Eat a sack of roasted green beans covered in cum, bitch!" He yelled back at her. The whole class laughed, including Virgil. Patton just gave Re a confused look and held back a laugh.
"Detention all next week." She turned around and started writing on the chalk board.
"That's fair." Remus shrugged his shoulders and laid back, kicking his feet up.
"Remus, you can't have you're feet up like that." Patton whispered over to him.
"Watch me! I own this bitch." He whispered back and smirked.

AN: Holy fuck this is 2000+ words- My brain throughout writing this is just 😂

ViRgiL gOeS tO tHeRaPy
Haha, remus gay
Ooo oh i know exactly what im gonna make remus do to logan mwahha
Oh, memes
"Eat a sack of roasted peanuts?" Too bland.
"Eat a sack of roasted peanuts covered in cum?" Also too bland
I have no idea what im doing its 3am
Wait what if theres a sub. Thats boring, needs character.
Ah, what if the sub is emiles mom? Also perfect time to bring emile back into the picture because virgil aint even met him
Oh i wrote the same thing twice- fuck
:0 next week were doing breakfast club YES

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