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The two reached a bench a little way up the path and stopped for a moment, Pipher placed the bag on the bench. He reached in for a bottle of water, took a sip, and offered her some.

"I'm alright," Anna said, shaking her head.

He put the water back and kept on the path, walking next to Anna.

"Can we?" Pipher asked.

"Can we what?" Anna responded.

Instead of responding, he reached for her hand and held it, waiting for her to hold his back. She gripped his hand tightly, looked up and smiled at him. The awkwardness lingered as the two continued walking through the woods.

"I've never quite realized how beautiful the view is from up here," Anna said, turning and looking back at the school.

"I've never quite realized how beautiful you really are," Pipher said, looking at Anna in her deep blue eyes.

Anna rolled her eyes but looked back and stared into Piphers eyes, holding both of his hands with a tight grip. Simultaneously they shut their eyes, leaning their heads toward each other, enjoying a passionate kiss.

After they finished, they both opened their eyes and leaned away. Anna wrapped her arms around him, squeezing hard. Her head was against his chest as he held her with one arm while the other hand held her head there.

After a minute, they both released and smiled at each other.

"Lets keep going up the trail and lay down our blanket," Pipher said.

The two reached for each other's hands and giggled before walking up the trail again.

"Should we tell Charles?" Pipher asked.

"Are you crazy? All it would take is something to make him mad and he could easily tell a professor. And I think he likes me anyway, it would crush him," Anna said.

"He doesn't like you, he probably would've told me by now," Pipher said, confused. "And besides, he doesn't care enough to tell anyone,"

"Still, we really shouldn't, please," Anna pleaded.

The two got to another open spot of flat ground and laid the blanket down and sat on it. The sun started to go down and with that, so did the temperature. It wasn't yet evening so the sun was still fully visible, its colors just becoming more vibrant and orange.

"Do you need my jacket as well?" Pipher offered.

Anna shook her head.

"Did you see the posters hung up about the writing contest next week?" Anna asked.

"What professor is holding that?" Pipher replied.

"I think Professor Cornelius is," Anna said, puzzled.

"Oh he wouldn't wanna read any of my writing then, I'll sit this one out," Pipher said, disappointed.

"Oh come on, I've seen your writing before, It's definitely good enough and you should really enter it," Anna insisted.

Pipher rolled his eyes and laughed. "I'm surprised you believe in me that much."

The two continued to chat for a while, watching the sunset. They chatted for a long time.

Once it started to get dark and the sun was beginning to disappear, they started walking back to the school. Pipher picked the blanket back up and put it into the bag before grabbing his orb. He walked with one hand in his coat pocket and the other holding his orb firmly.

Orbs are not only able to protect and harm people, but can also do basic functions like shine light, tell time, and communicate with friends.

The two carefully made their way back down to the school, being careful on the steep spots of the trail. They talked and shared stories with each other, getting to know each other even more than before. They even played a few short rounds of 2 truths and a lie.

"What are you getting for dinner tonight?" Pipher asked.

"Probably my usual, a salad or a sandwich, what about you?" Anna replied.

"I'm gonna go to the restaurant on 4th street tonight if you'd like to join me, not as a date or anything," Pipher said hesitantly.

"Only if afterwards you'll help me study in the library," Anna teased.

"You've got yourself a deal," He replied, "I'll be at your dorm at 7."

After the short walk back to the school, Pipher ran ahead of Anna to grab the door before whispering "Ladies first".

Once inside the building, they navigated their way through the halls and grand corridors around the building. Everywhere they turned was another room with some specific purpose, all slightly different from the others.

Even though this was Anna's 2nd year, the halls never seemed to get easier to navigate, Pipher had to lead her from the back of the building to the grand staircase in the middle of the school.

Soon it would be Christmas and the halls would be elaborately decorated with lights, wreaths, and trees would be placed around. Six of them would be next to the grand staircase.

Once at the staircase the two straightened their backs and fixed their posture before walking up the stairs in sync with each other.

Soon the two found themselves at Anna's door before giving each other a nudge and a smile before parting ways. There was no need for a long goodbye as in a few short hours they would be with each other again, grabbing some food and studying.

Maglins and the Infinite QuestWhere stories live. Discover now