Part 1

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It was a day in Wilton Orphanage like any other. The sun rays were shining brightly while a light breeze picked up, which the leaves of the trees swayed to gently. Kids ranging from 3 to 15 years old were playing outside on the playground, laughing merrily while chasing one another around gleefully.

Until there was a sudden flapping of wings that was relatively close to them. One of the kids, a boy around 10 years old started pointing excitedly at a bird flying closer to them. This garnered the attention of the other kids and as the bird got closer, it turned out to be an owl with an ivory-coloured letter clamped in its beak that bore a strange crest on its wax seal. The owl seemed to be somewhat confused at the amount of attention it was receiving and ended up dropping the letter by accident. It panicked a little, but appeared to sense that the children had no malicious intent before flying off.

"Whose letter is it?"

"Hold on! I'm checking!"

"Hey! Don't open it! It might not be meant for us!"

The children looked at the name of the recipient written across the front of the letter.


Mr Y/N Liebert,

Eleventh Room on Second Floor,
Wilton Orphanage,
Wilton Road,


"Bloody hell! It's addressed to Y/N! Y/N has a letter!"

"Who has a letter?"


"That little munchkin has one?"

"Yea, no kidding! It's addressed to Y/N! See?"

"Come on, give it here." A girl with piercing grey eyes and light golden curls reaching halfway down her back went up and held out her hand, looking at the awestruck boys and girls expectantly. After a few minutes, the boy who pointed out the owl sighed and gave her the letter in resignation.

"Fine. Here you go. Give it to Y/N."

"Naturally." The girl smiled a little before she turned on her heel and walked off with the letter in her right hand, leaving the other children sighing in disappointment and talking about the mysterious letter.

The girl made her way down the hall and went up the stairs before turning to her right, all the way to the extreme end and stopped in front of the door with a plaque reading 'Y/N Liebert and Claudia Van Burton' in simple yet elegant calligraphy on a plain wooden board. She simply opened the door, revealing a boy with gentle pale blue eyes and short straight black hair seating on a chair reading a book. The boy closed his book shut and smiled upon seeing Claudia, who was waving the letter in the air excitedly.

"Y/N! Y/N! You have a letter!" The girl ran up to Y/N, who ruffled her light golden curls with a smile and took the letter.

"Thanks, Claudia." Y/N patted the space beside him and Claudia, the little girl who passed him the letter hopped onto the space eagerly and hugged his right arm.

Y/N hummed a familiar tune and gently rocked the girl, running his hands through her hair and smiling down at her affectionately. Aside from the Matron, Claudia was the only other person in the orphanage whom he was very close to. Y/N got along relatively well with the other kids, but spent most time with Claudia whom he saw as a sister.

Book 1 - The Philosopher's Stone (with Male Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now