Part 5

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Summary: Y/N and Hermione meet Neville and help him to find his toad, but wound up meeting two boys from Y/N's vision. They were none other than Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, also known as the Boy-Who-Lived.

As with the other first years, Y/N took this opportunity to look around and admire the interior of the impressive castle while waiting for someone to come out through the doors. Y/N had been impressed with the Wizarding world so far since day 1 and he hoped that nothing would happen to change his views on it.

"So it's true." A voice cut off Y/N's thoughts. Everyone turned to see who had spoken, including Y/N, Hermione, Harry and Ron. Y/N saw the same blond boy from his vision. His platinum blond hair was slicked back neatly and complemented his pale skin complexion. Most of all, he had one of the most unusual eye colours Y/N had ever seen. Silver with an almost ethereal feel to them.

The crowd of new students parted for the blond and the two large-sized cronies standing behind him like bodyguards with blank expressions.

"They're all saying that Harry Potter and Y/N Liebert has come to Hogwarts. It's you two, isn't it?" Everyone gasped at Harry's name, even more so when Y/N's name was mentioned. Harry grabbed onto Y/N's sleeve while Y/N looked at the blond boy with a slight frown.

Everyone turned to see the two black-haired boys and started whispering. One of them was shorter than the other and had curls along with a slightly scared expression, and the other was a little taller than the average 11-year-old but with straight locks and beautiful features. Both of them looked just like their fathers, considering the eerie resemblance to the men from the previous generations.

"Yes." Y/N was the one who answered. The blond briefly studied the first raven head with a head of untameable black curls, emerald green eyes and steel framed glasses, then the second black-haired boy who had straight black hair, pale blue eyes and androgynous facial features.

The second one is certainly better looking than the first one, what a pity that he isn't the Boy-Who-Lived. He's actually quite beau-- No no no, what the hell am I even thinking. Damn! Focus! Befriend those two to get better connections to them! That's what Father's expecting me to do and I can't fail him at such simple demand!

"Oh. This is Crabbe and this is Goyle." He introduced the two boys casually, clearly seeing that Y/N and Harry had taken notice of them. In all honesty, Harry felt like he couldn't really tell the two burly boys apart. They looked so similar after all that one might even think that they're either close cousins or brothers of some sort.

"And my name's Draco. Draco Malfoy." He held out a hand for Harry to take, with none of his thoughts betraying his facial expressions.

Ron gave a little cough, presumably to hide his laughter when the blond introduced himself. Draco turned to the redhead with a look that somewhat looked like a cross between a scowl and a light smirk.

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles and more children than they can afford." The said redhead turned somewhat red at this statement, almost to the same shade of red as his hair.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks." Harry replied quietly. The blond's cheeks went slightly pink and his hand was lowered.

"Harry, that's not the way to speak to someone who wishes to befriend you." Y/N spoke a little sternly and stood in front of Harry in an effort to shield him from Draco's displeased stare. Everyone watched tensely, not knowing whether a fight was about to break out or not.

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