Part 13

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I'm finally done with my studies and I'm going to start work pretty soon, so I might be uploading the chapters at a rather slow rate. (I'm sorry for not uploading anything for more than a month)

In case you guys were confused about Y/N's sexual orientation, Y/N is bisexual. But if anything, I would still prefer for him to end up with a guy than a girl. But not with Harry or Hermione. Someone other than these two. But for now, no romance yet! At least not on Y/N's side. Y/N is only in his first year for God's sake! Maybe I'll reveal some interest from another person.

My story, my way. Got it?

Summary: Y/N finally recovers and is attending lessons as per normal. However, Y/N and his friends are left somewhat traumatized after fighting a troll that somehow appeared in Hogwarts which also results in Harry and Y/N have a little heart to heart talk.

The next day, Harry woke up feeling much more refreshed despite only sleeping for about five hours. He had spent an hour lying in bed thinking over the incident with the troll halfway through the Halloween feast as well as what Y/N had said to him the night before.

He felt a wave of warmth invade his heart upon recalling the sincerity behind Y/N's words. Nobody had ever offered words or acts of kindness to him except for Y/N. Not to mention that Y/N was clearly the type who treasured his family and friends and would do anything to protect them. His words from last night had proven this point.

"Good morning, Harry. You're up before my customary wake up call. How are you feeling?" Y/N's voice brought him out of his musings. Harry turned to the right as Y/N ruffled his hair with his equally gentle smile. Harry had gotten a bit more used to Y/N ruffling his messy locks.

"Morning, Y/N. I'm feeling better now." Harry returned the smile. It's true. After crying his heart out and staying in the comfort of Y/N's hug until the wee hours of the morning, he felt lighter in a sense that he didn't emotionally burdened by his feelings.

Y/N knew that too as he chuckled.

"Glad to hear it. Shall we get ready and wake Neville up as per usual for breakfast?"

"Why not?" Harry sighed with mock exasperation and went over to wake the only other boy up.

"Morning, Irene, Kayden." Y/N grinned as he gave Irene a little scratch on her head and stroked Kayden's feathers. Irene jumped down from Y/N's bed and stretched a little before grooming herself. Kayden hooted and flew off to the owlery.

While Harry was waking Neville up, Y/N entered the bath to wash up. He had to admit that it felt a little strange not to see Ron sprawled out on his messy bedsheets and snoring loudly like a freight train in his sleep. Well, Ron might still be in the infirmary due to Madam Pomfrey's overprotective nature even if he were to kick up a bit of a fuss due to being bored.

Y/N shook his head as he stepped into the bathroom to get ready for the day. After brushing his teeth and washing his face followed by a quick shower, Y/N stepped out wearing his school uniform.

"I'm done." Harry nodded and went in to wash up.

Y/N sat down at the edge of his bed as he recalled the troll incident yesterday. The sight of the troll's innards exploding from the impact of Bombarda Maxima made him feel sick. It continued to send shivers down his spine just by remembering the gruesome scene.

But why didn't the professors offer some form of counseling? Didn't they see how Ron threw up at another section of the floor? Did the professors themselves not feel sick upon seeing the troll remains? Hermione, Hannah and Susan were clearly horrified. Even Harry was shivering and admitted yesterday that he was scared by what he saw. What about Blaise? Tracey and Daphne? Their other friends who came in with the professors?

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