Part 3

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Summary: Dumbledore brings him to Gringotts bank to get money and got his school supplies and equipment. He is now back at Diagon Alley with the purpose of getting some additional books to learn more about the Wizarding world.

"Let's see... Alchemy... Healing... Charms... Wards and Protections... Runes..." Y/N murmured to himself as he strolled down the shelves of Flourish & Blotts while taking down books with relevant titles. Well, actually whatever that caught his interest.

"Ah! Wizarding Traditions!" Y/N reached out and took hold of the spine of a book with dark blue covers. The title on the spine read 'Wizarding Traditions - since 1600s' in gold letters. But just as he touched the top part of the book spine, another hand was grasping the bottom part of the spine of the same book. Turning to his left, he saw a girl with dark brown bushy curls and hazel eyes.

Both Y/N and the girl quickly let go of the book.

"Oh sorry, do you want this book?"

"It's fine, you can have it if you want." Y/N smiled.

"Are you sure? I mean, you did touch it before I did." The girl seemed quite unsure, and exchanging glances between him and the book.

"It's alright, really. I can always look for a similar book." Y/N replied. The girl smiled and took the book.

"If you're thinking of taking that book, does that mean you're new to the Wizarding world as well?"

"Well, I can't deny that I'm new. But I have been aware of my ability to perform magic for most of my childhood."

"By any chance, are you a Muggle-born?" Hermione asked quizzically.

"Muggle-born?" Y/N now looked a little confused.

"You know... born from two ordinary people without any magic in their veins." Hermione explained, while looking a little conflicted.

"Oh, I'm afraid I'm not a Muggle-born. I'm born from Wizarding parents."

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry." Hermione now looked quite apologetic, but Y/N waved it off.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger."

"I'm Y/N Liebert."

"You're that Y/N Liebert?! The one that they call the son of a Death Eater and the former Head Auror?!" Hermione gasped and nearly shouted the house down if not for the fact that Y/N had clamped his hand over her mouth to prevent anyone close by from hearing her.

"Shh, Miss Hermione." Y/N gently reprimanded her before taking his hand off and let out a sigh. Out of slight exasperation and helplessness. Was that what he was going to be known as? The son of a Death and former Head Auror? Or is it the Devil's spawn? Or perhaps Liebert's son?

"Well, I'm pretty sure everybody already knows of my parentage anyway. I'll bet my Galleons that I'll only be known as the son of a Death Eater or Liebert's son." Y/N mumbled which Hermione heard clearly. She was now looking quite guilty and ashamed of herself.

"I'm sorry. For overreacting like that. It's just that, I couldn't help it. Because I've read that the former Head Auror named Gerald Liebert had a child with a Death Eater named Iris Fairmont. And that how that person will only grow up to be like a Death Eater like his mother or become a Head Auror like his father. And here you are, in the flesh." Her eyes darted about nervously, looking at anywhere but him.

Book 1 - The Philosopher's Stone (with Male Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now