Part 6

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Summary: Y/N and his new friends finally reach Hogwarts after almost half a day's worth of a long train ride. They meet Draco, the blond from Y/N's vision and Harry rejects his offer of friendship while Y/N accepts it. Professor McGonagall comes in and leads the first years to the Great hall where the Sorting Ceremony would soon begin.

In that instant, the once cheerful and loud atmosphere in the Great Hall died down. Almost every student had both looks of reverence and disgust while the staff looked at one another with mixed feelings and expressions.

"Y/N Liebert? That Liebert?"

"Son of a Death Eater! He should have just stayed dead!"

"How could they let the son of that bitch into a school?"

"His father is very well-respected though."

"I heard that his father killed his mother while holding onto his infant son the whole time."

"I heard from my parents that the former Head Auror Liebert cried tears of blood when he killed his wife."

"His father was very handsome though. And he was strongly sought after by many women and men alike."

"So what? He's the son of that bloody mad bitch of a Death eater!"

But whispers started again when they saw a boy with the same straight black hair and beautiful androgynous features as his well-known father walk up and face everyone. The only difference being Y/N having short hair and pale blue eyes. After all, the late Lord Liebert was known to be a very handsome and beautiful man with androgynous facial features, accompanied with a caring and empathetic nature that made him very popular at Hogwarts during his time as a student and professor before he became an Auror and subsequently Head Auror.

"He's actually very pretty."

"He looks just like his father but with his mother's eyes."

"What's the use of looking nice when he's the spawn of the devil?"

"Shut it! You don't even now him personally and you're already judging him? I'm sure he's nowhere like his mother and more like his father."

He let out a sigh before picking up the hat and sitting down.

As with the other first year students, the hat pulled down and covered his eyes, hiding him from the sight of the other students.

The moment the hat was pulled over his eyes, Y/N heard a whisper inside his mind.

Interesting, very interesting.

What do you mean? What do you find interesting about me?

You're reputed to be the spawn of the devil, sending fear through everyone as a result of your mother. Yet you're also revered because of your father's reputation as one of the most well-respected Head Aurors before his death.

I've been hearing that very frequently when I came to the Wizarding world a month ago. People have been either liking me for my father or hating me for my mother.

But you're very much like your father. You're clearly a very kind and considerate individual, who is selfless and wise beyond your age. You're not afraid of standing up to people who hurt your friends, which is what Godric Gryffindor likes in his students in his House.

You're highly empathetic and loyal to your friends. You like taking care of your friends and are very hardworking and fair to everyone you meet. Not to mention that you're great at dealing with both animals in general as well as children. Helga Hufflepuff would be very happy to see you in her House.

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