Part 15

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Finally!! Right, I've kept you guys waiting for far (FAR) too long. The main reason why I haven't been updating the story is because I've been working full time on my job which involves plenty of drawing and tight deadlines. Yes, my primary hobby is drawing which I turned into a career. I hope I'm able to find enough time to write and upload more chapters. Although looking at how busy I've been, it will likely to be quite (or very very ) sporadic.

(At this rate I wonder if I can even finish this book  - _ -)

A huge thank you to you wonderful guys who have read and voted on my story chapters. I really (REALLY) appreciate your support so far. *hugs* \ ( ^ __ ^ ) /

Summary: Y/N and Harry both show up for their first Quidditch training, which proved to be tiring thanks to Oliver Wood. Y/N also relays Malfoy's message to Harry, who is shocked by the invitation. Oliver Wood also decides to place Y/N as a reserve Chaser instead and thankfully, Y/N easily agrees to the arrangement.


Little Y/N was frightened. He could hear loud noises everywhere. He opened his eyes and looked around while tucked into his little blue blanket. He was carried by his papa, but where is Mama?


"Shh, my little treasure. Papa will take you to a nice place." His papa's soothing voice followed by his hand gently stroking the back of his head calmed Y/N somewhat. But Y/N could tell that his papa was tired.

"Nice pwace?"

"Yes, my little one. A nice place."

"Wuv yoo, papa..." Y/N smiled sweetly as he touched his papa's left cheek and tried to say 'love you'. Papa smiled, giving him a little boop on the nose and a light kiss on the forehead. His papa had a pair of dark blue eyes and gentle facial features. Y/N loves Papa very much.

"I love you too, my Y/N. You're papa's precious little treasure." He spoke gently before Y/N grinned and snuggled even deeper into his papa's arms which were warm and comforting.

"Papa will protect you, Y/N."

"Papa pwotec'!" Y/N repeated in between little giggles. Mama had never said such things to him before. Mama also smiles at him, but in a way that Y/N doesn't like. But he still loves Mama.

"Papa wuvs me." Y/N murmured happily as his eyes started closing slowly, slipping into dreamland in the comfort of his papa's arms while unaware that this would be the last time he was sleeping in Papa's arms.


Y/N's eyes slowly open upon hearing those familiar words. This was clearly no dream, but a distant memory of someone who had lost both of their parents. This was nothing new. In fact, he always had this very same dream every time he had a vision. It was so strange and absurd but Y/N had no explanation for such a phenomenon. This dream was also the only way he could more or less get a glimpse of his parents' faces. His father's, to be exact. Not that he needed any other reminder that both of his parents were dead.

Sighing, Y/N got up and noted that it was still rather dark outside. He chuckled when he felt Irene's tail flicking around indignantly when she felt him getting up. But his attention was immediately drawn to the sound of some movement behind the drawn curtains of Harry's bed. Not wanting to invade Harry's privacy, Y/N got up and headed to the bathroom to freshen up when he heard even more shuffling of the blanket and bedsheets followed by a sudden gasp and heavy breathing. (Don't let your minds go into the gutter, or maybe it's just mine XD)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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