Part 2

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Summary: Y/N received his Hogwarts acceptance letter and is brought to Diagon Alley by none other than headmaster Dumbledore himself.

The moment they entered The Leaky Cauldron, Y/N was met with a cacophony of chatter, the clinking of stainless steel tableware and slurping of drinks.

"Goodness me, Dumbledore sir!" An old bartender who was wiping a large glass mug stopped what he was doing and greeted cheerfully.

"Hello, Tom. I hope you're well." Dumbledore nodded with a smile of his own.

"I'm well, sir. It's an honour to have you here in The Leaky Cauldron!"

"How wonderful to see you, Headmaster Dumbledore!" A man stood up. He gave a firm handshake and tipped his hat in Dumbledore's direction.

"My goodness! It's an honour to see you in person, Sir Dumbledore!" A woman in her 50s stood up and shook Dumbledore's hand. She did this more than a few times. Many of the other patrons came forward to shake Dumbledore's hand and compliment him.

"Good Merlin! Who is the child that you've brought with you, sir?" A man suddenly took notice of Y/N who was mostly hiding behind Dumbledore. Suddenly, Y/N found himself thrown into the spotlight.

"You can't possibly be having a grandchild, or are you?" A woman teased him.

"Of course not, although I would be happy to have a grandchild or more. This is Y/N. I'm bringing him to Diagon Alley to get his school equipment for his first year at Hogwarts."

In an instant, the pub was thrown into chaos. There were people stared at him like he was someone hateful while others were looking at him with reverence.

"The son of that Death Eater?" One of them sneered.

"Gerald Liebert's son! That's the son of Gerald Liebert alright! He has Liebert's facial features!" A woman exclaimed while gushing.

"Of course! Nice to meet you, young Y/N!" The same woman who shook Dumbledore's hand many times was now shaking Y/N's hand. She didn't seem to hear the angered voices of some or notice the furious glances thrown in Y/N's direction.

"You're a lucky one to have Dumbledore personally escorting you to Diagon Alley! You'd better be grateful!" One man sitting close by spat his words out harshly at Y/N.

"Don't listen to him. He's only bitter because of the death of his remaining family members. Your father is a very admirable and well-respected man."

"Thank you." Y/N felt quite overwhelmed by the number of people now shaking his hand with the exception of a few who threw him hateful glares. He only caught a slight laugh from Dumbledore.

This went on for quite a while before Y/N and Dumbledore could make their way to the back of the pub.

"Goodness, that was certainly rather tiring." Dumbledore let out a sigh.

"I can only agree with you, Headmaster Dumbledore." Y/N smiled wryly. Perhaps it was the best to remain as one of the most unknown people, otherwise one would be tired from greeting fans left and right.

"And now..." Dumbledore pulled out his wand and tapped on some of the bricks in a specific sequence. To Y/N's amazement, the bricks began to shift and rearrange themselves. In less than a minute or so, the bricks had been rearranged and parted into a large doorway.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Y/N's eyes widened when they stepped through the doorway to meet a sea of people among relatively large yet crowded streets. There were people chattering, feet shuffling around, exclamations of awe and wonder, etc.

Book 1 - The Philosopher's Stone (with Male Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now