Part 14

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Summary: Y/N decides to check up on his friends by sitting at the other tables during breakfast while Draco Malfoy reluctantly complies with his father's wishes to invite both Y/N and Harry over to his home for the summer holidays.

"There you are!" Oliver Wood, the captain and keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team had been waiting rather impatiently on the Quidditch pitch when Harry and Y/N arrived there at 7.00 with their new brooms.

"Hello and nice to meet you, Wood." Both Harry and Y/N greeted the impatient upper-year quietly.

"No time for formalities even though I would like to get to know you two better." Oliver just gave a quick nod in acknowledgement and spoke quickly.

"Heard you two got the Nimbus 2000s?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

Oliver reached into a small case and turned to face the duo with his hand clutched around something. Upon opening his hand, Harry blinked upon seeing a small round golden ball about the size of a walnut. There were little wings at the side of the little ball which unfolded and started whirling around.

"Know what this is?"

Both Harry and Y/N just blinked at him questioningly. Oliver coughed.

"This... is the Golden Snitch, and it's the most important ball of the lot. It's very hard to catch because it's so fast and difficult to see. It's the Seeker's job to catch it. You've got to weave in and out of the Chasers, Beaters, Bludgers, and Quaffle to get it before the other team's Seeker, because whichever Seeker catches the Snitch wins his team an extra hundred and fifty points, so they nearly always win. That's why Seekers get fouled so much. A game of Quidditch only ends when the Snitch is caught, so it can go on for ages."

He then turned to face Harry with a slightly crooked grin, instantly putting the latter on guard.

"This little thing alone is worth 150 points, so the seekers often go crazy trying to find and catch it before the other does. So we'll be counting on you, Harry."

Harry stared at the tiny snitch in amazement while Y/N made a thoughtful sound.

"I'm gonna release the Snitch, so see if you can catch it."

Oliver then released the snitch and it went zooming into the air. Harry's bright green eyes started trailing it, keeping an eye on it as it fluttered in random directions. Oliver seemed somewhat confused and kept looking around, trying to see where the snitch had gone.

Y/N was also keeping a surprisingly sharp eye on the snitch but lost sight of it after a few minutes. When Harry mounted his broom and chased after it, Y/N followed the direction of Harry's broom as he swerved left and right to catch the golden snitch.

Harry took to flying like duck to water and made quick work of it. His fingers closed around the golden snitch and held it up with flourish as he made his way back to where Oliver and Y/N were at.

"Well done, Harry. You caught the snitch rather quickly." Y/N praised and patted Harry's back, noticing with a smile that there was a light shade of red dusting over the raven head's cheeks.

"That was great! With that along with your skills as a Seeker, we might just be able to snatch the Quidditch Cup from Slytherin for the first time in a while."

"The Quidditch Cup?" Harry tilted his head which Y/N found to be rather cute.

"Yeah. We play in different rounds against the other Houses until we reach the finals. The Cup is awarded to the winning team of the finals. A great honour." Oliver's fanaticism for Quidditch was rapidly bleeding into his tone as he spoke almost reverently about the Quidditch Cup.

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