Part 8

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Summary: Y/N helps to wake the boys up and go down to the Great hall early for breakfast. Y/N, Hermione and Harry succeed in their first Transfiguring their matches into needles on their first try and the rest of the class managed to complete their tasks with Y/N's guidance.

After Transfiguration lesson was Charms with Professor Flitwick. He was a half-goblin who was also the Head of Ravenclaw. His office was welcome to anyone (particularly to students in his House) who had queries or difficulties in Charms. He didn't discriminate against any other student in the other Houses, although it is fair to say that he did favour his House a little more than the rest.

In his lessons, he often stood on a stack of books as a result of his diminutive stature. He did stumble a little when he read out Harry and Y/N's names in the attendance sheet, but otherwise there was nothing wrong and lessons carried on as per normal.

As for Defence Against the Dark Arts, or DADA for short, the lesson was a joke. Professor Quirrell stuttered so much that nobody could really understand him. So most of the class just minded their own business or doodled on their parchments. Not to mention that the classroom had an overpowering odour of garlic that were stuffed under Professor Quirrell's turban, which was claimed to have received from a prince out of gratitude for getting rid of the vampires.

History of Magic was perhaps the most boring subject so far. Professor Binns was a ghost who droned on endlessly about nothing but Goblin wars. If anything, he didn't seem to notice if there was a missing student or not. He simply floated into the classroom and started reciting the events that led to Goblin wars. Both Y/N and Hermione struggled to stay awake during the entire lesson while majority of the class had already fallen asleep.

Luckily, it was lunch time and everyone gathered in the Great hall to have their meal. The quintet sat together. Hermione was talking about something that Y/N didn't pay attention to as he read through his one of his books on Healing. He had one of the books on Alchemy in his bag that he'd brought with him to read. He would probably read that before sleeping, but for now he was quite engrossed in the book on Healing.

About a few minutes after lunch had started, Harry's snowy white owl, Hedwig came and passed him a note. Harry was happy to see that it was Hagrid, inviting him down to his hut for tea after he was done with his lessons for the day. Harry wrote a quick reply, accepting Hagrid's invitation to tea. He gave Hedwig a few bacon bits and attached the reply to her leg, to which the owl flew off to give to the half-giant.

Y/N read his book between bites of his lunch, taking down notes whenever he needed and making a list of questions that he needed answers to. Perhaps he could go to the library tomorrow or the day after to look up on more books. As it was nearing the end of lunch, Y/N packed some extra food as per usual to keep in his plastic box container.

"Transfiguration and Charms were amazing! I never would have dreamed that I would be able to come to study at a school dedicated to teaching magic! DADA was a little disappointing since I was looking forward to it but the professor has been stuttering so much that it's hard to listen. History of Magic is also interesting but too bad that the professor is a ghost." Hermione couldn't stop saying as she walked down the corridors to the next class with the quartet.

"History of Magic? Interesting? Ugh! That was boring as hell!" Ron complained, making a face when Hermione commented on History of Magic being interesting. In fact, most of the class had fallen asleep. Ron, Harry and Neville were one of those students who fell asleep as well while Hermione and Y/N had barely managed to keep themselves awake by writing down notes.

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