Part 7

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Summary: Y/N, Hermione, Harry, Ron and Neville are sorted into Gryffindor! However, Y/N was the only one who noticed Harry's inability to eat any more than a toddler's portion and hopes that Harry can come forward for help. After the Great Feast, they head to the Gryffindor Tower to rest up for tomorrow's lessons.

"Uh..." Y/N mumbled sleepily as he stirred in his bed. Opening a sleepy eye, Y/N squinted his eyes as he shielded himself from the bright rays of the morning sun passing through the red drawn curtains.

Well, time to get ready. Y/N thought as he stretched, popping the joints before shifting the curtains aside. Seeing that the other boys were still asleep, he headed to the bath to take a refreshing cold bath.

The cold water was more than enough to jolt Y/N's senses awake. He relaxed as he washed his hair and scrubbed himself clean. Pulling on his school robes, he dried and combed his hair neatly. Out of habit from the time he was in the orphanage, he went to the other boys' sides and started waking them up. Starting with Harry since he was most likely a light sleeper.

"Harry? It's time to wake up." Y/N gently shook Harry by his shoulder. Luckily, Harry woke up almost immediately and climbed out of bed and into the shower sleepily. Neville was slightly more troublesome as he tossed and turned while trying to wrap himself up in the warm sheets than to get up.

But maybe Ron was the worst when it comes to trying to wake him up. He was clearly a (very) heavy sleeper as far as Y/N could tell. He could probably sleep right through a room blasting with heavy metal music at full volume and he wouldn't even twitch.

"Come on, Ron. Wake up." Y/N shook Ron by his shoulder gently while Harry and Neville were now wide awake and changing into their school robes after their quick shower.

"Ron, Get up!" Harry went over to help.

"Ron!" Harry shouted as he shook Ron roughly but the sleeping boy didn't move. At his wits' end, he pushed Ron onto the cold concrete floor which the latter didn't even respond to.

"Ugh! This guy sure is sleeping well!" Harry threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. Y/N sighed, but suddenly thought of the scene from yesterday's Great Feast. Ron was practically inhaling his food like he was afraid that the food would run away from him or something.

Maybe the idea of food will work.

"Come on, Ron. Please wake up otherwise you're going to miss breakfast." Y/N said with a knowing smile.

One of Ron's eyes popped opened blearily.

"B... breakfast...?" He muttered.

"That wakes you up?" Harry exclaimed as he shook his head in disbelief. Y/N smiled while Neville stifled a laugh.

"There's not going to be anymore food if you don't hurry." Harry said with a cheeky smile.

That sent Ron into action. He scrambled to his feet, grabbing his school robes and towel before rushing into the bathroom. The boys laughed when they heard the water running in the shower.

"Well then, Ron. We're heading down for breakfast first, so we'll see you there alright?" Y/N called, earning a disgruntled shout of 'Yeah!' from the boy. He chuckled as he led Harry and Neville down to the Common room and out of the Gryffindor Tower.

The four boys chatted while they headed down to the Great Hall. They were amazed to see the staircases changing directions every now and then, except for Neville who looked decidedly nervous at being the victim of the changing staircases. They eventually made their way to the Great Hall and went through the large doors.

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